Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

You prescriptive skills are frightening

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It worries me when my main is OP and blizz changes things.

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Seriously, I just did. If they bother to read the forums.
Are you really trying to say that every player (except me) cares about damage meters? I never said no one cares, I said not everyone cares.

And you have yet to explain why Bizzard can’t possibly have the change and still allow players to choose not to go lone wolf.


I have no idea what this means, and I am not sure why you feel the need to insult someone who has not taken a single swing at you. I’m here to discuss the topic, but you seem more intent on throwing insults.

No, what I am saying is mileage varies. There are at least 5M players in this game and I am sure some of them might feel good about this change. Everyone who opposes it seems to think everyone SHOULD oppose it. We all have our opinions.

Because I do not work for them.


To be fair the majority of the complaining about the pet being removed on these forums are by people who dont main hunter


MM Hunter has had a pet option at least since Cat when I started playing and probably earlier. Clearly having the option to play with a pet is the way the class was intended.

Now I asked you before and I’ll ask you again, what specifically can MM Hunter do now that

  1. couldn’t be added to Lone Wolf or
  2. set up as a 3rd MM Hunter option and
  3. could only be accomplished by taking away the pet option.

This ain’t my first rodeo cupcake, I know when someone is trying to stir the pot out of spite. Whether you admit it or not.


How many times are you going to ask the same question over and over again after being given the answer?

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I don’t work for Blizz. I don’t choose the design options. The choice is not mine to make. However, the choices I do have:

  • Try the change
  • If it is great, keep playing the spec
  • If it sucks, switch specs or classes

Either way, I am not going to lose all perspective and act like the sky is falling over something like a game. I read about the change, I went to the PTR and tried the change. I enjoyed the change. There’s not much else to it.


I’m curious about your source. How do you know which class is a player’s main?

But I only asked the OP about his main because he wasn’t posting on a hunter, or even a level 80.

The fact is that a LOT of hunter players picked the class specifically because it has a pet. Some, like me, enjoy the “class fantasy” of being a ranged weapon class with a pet companion. I don’t care for the play of BM. I want to shoot stuff and not manage what my pet does. Even though I play Lone Wolf most of the time, I still like to take my pets out now and then (usually just for RP, but sometimes for solo play). No one has yet explained to me why Blizzard can’t make this change but still allow players to choose not to go Lone Wolf if they want.


I was unaware this was a requisite for posting on the forums. To my knowledge you only need a sub, an opinion, and a respect for the Code of Conduct. I play a hunter. I tested said hunter on the PTR. I offered my opinion.


Hunters still exist on the PTR?

Classic Blizzard L.

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Because the majority of people complaining are flat out clueless about the spec/class.

As are a ton of people complaining about losing pets.

It has to do with balancing issues. The devs have decided to remove the pet because their vision of the spec is to be played without a pet and leaving the pet causes too many issues.

Its frost mage water elemental all over again but the elemental had more to do with the spec than MM pet does.


It’s no surprise that the new spec has good DPS. When introducing something this unpopular you want to make it so the FOTM players flock to it. Then you can claim it to be a success. (Until the inevitable nerfs come)


FOTM applies to a lot of specs who normally just get buffed. With this redesign and increased output, it may very well draw some looky-loos, but anyone who plays just to play will appreciate the changes. The folks who still want to play with pets will still have pets. Personally, I will still spend more time tanking and healing, but at least now I know my hunter has some muscle behind it and I can give my Mage a rest.

Ah, equip thy flame shield OP

I mean 4.5 million of them might be in China but that’s possible.


With this forum, it stays up like a Paladin’s last stand :rofl:

True, and since they are probably expressing their opinions on another forum, we might also surmise some of their folks are also having trouble coping with the changes.

The Developers “do not want to keep all those changes and still have a pet”. The point of these changes is just like what was done to survival when it went through its new iteration on how it functioned.

There is clearly a direction the team working on MM has in mind, and the plan is to focus on making MM that Ranger play style. Now, granted I wasn’t a big fan of the changes to Survival, always felt like BM should have been reworked and made into the melee (Rexxar) pet spec, but that didn’t happen.

I completely understand your sentiments towards these changes as any other player who’s played MM and used a pet. You are losing out on that ability as apposed to choices being added. Hopefully, like Survival, players over time maybe will come to like the changes and adapt.

Maybe, best of luck. :+1: :grinning:


You maybe right! :dracthyr_shrug: