Marksman is the new meta

Seems to me Blizzard is forcing Marksman I swapped over to marksman and just did my best parse on 7/7 bosses within a day of them nerfing the BM spec. They moved all the dps removed from BM spec over to marksman Killing BM spec. Why do SOD if you won’t allow all specs to be viable. I am betting in phase 2 BM will get most of their nerfs reduced or removed otherwise it will continue to be useless. lvling you wont need the extra damage or hp on the pets only in raids where off tanking might become an issue. I have high hopes for phase two to fix these issues.

You still using BM as MM? Or CS?

Runes are “Chest MasterMarksman” “Legs Sniper Training” “Hands Chimera Shot”

Talents are 5BM 11 Marksman

Bleh, hunter runes are lame. What happens when you have the interns design them vs an actual dev.

Aimed shot takes away from the hunter strength of being able to apply dps while having good mobility. Melee weaving is clunky.

Hopefully they add some fun and engaging runes in phase 2 for hunter, but I doubt it.

Some runes to make hunter more enjoyable would be:

  1. Traps able to be used in combat + trap launcher
  2. Remove or reduce the hunter deadzone
  3. A kick ability, or a defensive

How is BM “useless” right now? If only people would stop using such hyperbole when a spec stops being the best at doing something, we would take them seriously. BM is just fine in raids right now. Does a spec have to parse 90+ to be “viable”. Maybe take a good hard look at what the words you are using actually mean.


Useless no - boring af… yes.

Totally agree hunter range fix from TBC
Misdirection Shot from TBC and something to interrupt bosses.
The trap idea sounds awesome.

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Prior to the most recent nerf…what was so much more engaging about the BM spec; your rotation has drastically changed? It would seem your pet is doing less of your overall damage meaning you have to do more on the hunter end. Was the addition of something for you to do, somehow more boring?


Welcome to the problem of hunters. They keep nerfing the damage without buffing or changing any hunter abilities to compensate. So its boring and the damage keeps getting nerfed…yay.



I know exactly what I am saying. The hunter pet can only dps nothing else if they are nerfed to do less dps then marksman spec then it is useless. Remember I said first time going Marksman since launch and I just did my best parse on 7/7 bosses without full BIS no gear improvement for 3 weeks. The hunter pet does not give utility and cannot tank unless in an emergency. In short BM spec is less damage for everyone except the worst hunters. MarksMan=More DPS for everyone including bad hunters.

I see this as an absolute win.


That was a long reply. How do you see it as a win I understand to much focus on your pet doing all your damage is a bad thing but the point of SOD is for all specs to be usable. BM has always been the lvling spec and nothing else. SOD should not be being balanced off of PVP. Most players do not know how to PVP unless they are in a PVP guild or in a premade. Raiding the pet should just be a balance between hunter DPS and pet dps allowing for less threat gen and better players to Parse harder without wiping the raid or killing himself. I pulled 4/7 bosses making my 97 parse i got today be less not because i am bad but because the hunter does to much dps now.

how come before the nerf, you didnt make a post saying “BM is the meta” Why come i am forced to play BM? They moved all the dps to BM killing marksman spec.

You didn’t see the flood of hunter topics like - “why do our runes suck, only good option BM but it keeps getting nerfed”?


Marksman was always decent and you could always have the pet out to do the damage with the reduced pet dps it makes no sense to put talent points into BM anymore. BM being the meta from the start doesn’t make it a new META it makes it the META and Marksman always was good. now Marksman gained all the DPS the hunter pet lost in this last patch. Making it the new meta sense Talent points in BM is a DPS loss…

good. im going to shoot you while your pet tickles me.

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Maybe play what you like and not what is “meta”, unless of course you only like the “meta”. Then that is a “you” problem. I would like to see them strip BM hunters of all ranged damage and make it all about their pets. Make them use spears and have minimal utility without their pet at all. They can play heal/buff bot to their pet. THats not what was happening though. The pets were doing high damage and the hunters were blasting away with impunity. They deserved the nerf they got, however, Blizzard should have made the three specs more engaging. But who knows, you’ll prob get “The Beast Within”, “Lock and Load”, “Barrage”, “Black Arrow”…its the shadow priest problem of people being too Veruca Salt to just enjoy the game without worrying that someone else might have done a little better damage than them or done it faster; neither of which make any difference at all.

Like I said all dps from pets in last patch was moved to Marksman so you will still die in a 1v1 unless your a rogue, warrior, or warlock.

Thats why Marksman and Survival Hunters shouldn’t have pets at all. They are hunters, not Beast Masters.


good i play lone wolf