Like, I get what your trying to do with this whole owl thing…but…no, I want my pet back.
So talent into unbreakable bond.
So take the pet talent
Looks like somebody didn’t read the notes.
I’m with ya. Even locks with grimoire of sacrifice can still call their pets at will without having to change their spec in order to do it.
No. Locks have grimoire of sacrifice and don’t have to change their spec in order to still be able to call their pets at will. Why should hunters have to give up what has always been theirs?
LOL like that changes anthings.
You dont have to give up anything but one talent to play with a pet.
You’re wrong. I have to give up a talent point to have what we’ve always had for free.
That one talent point also gets you a 15% boost to pet damage and pet survivability. You didn’t always have that for free.
** edit
You don’t really give up a point though unless you’re skipping both tenacious/cunning and Trueshot. To get those you still have to spend this point…
It’s a choice of either:
- +40% damage on some of your Aimed Shots…
- +20% damage on some of your Aimed Shot plus a pet with +15% damage/survivability…
A very odd change.
To be fair, that pet damage is only active in world content, not instances of any kind.
And looking at the numbers- man, I can see why, if the intent was to obliterate pet usage in said instances. 20% damage on ~1/3 of Aimed Shots isn’t a lot, the pet damage might really outclass it if they aren’t careful on the tuning.
Dear Blizzard please screw up the tuning I would love to see the drama of a MM pet meta.
Look at the choice node on the 3rd (or 4th?) row. It says “Improved Spotter’s Mark.” The other choice is Unbreakable Bond.
Take Unbreakable Bond to get your pet back.
I think the problem is that many people just straight copied-and-pasted builds off IcyVeins/WoWHead — but all of their builds opt out of pets.
EDIT: I’ve already had MM hunters whispering me in-game asking me how I had my pet out. It’s so weird that people are overlooking the Unbreakable Bond talent.
I’m not.
Be thankful you can use pets at all.
Some people are just that oblivious.
This is the most asinine decision flop ever for a class that the Dev team has made and approved of. FORCING players to waste a talent point on something that is fundamentally HUNTER is ridiculous overkill. Here I am thinking them pushing spotting eagle was just it, but to remove PETS from classes in the game doesn’t make a lick of sense. These class design changes suckass.
MM hasn’t used a pet in the years outside of solo content /pvp content.
Be thankful you have the option.
The eagle is a good change to allow good hunters to not have to do the summon and dismiss for their utility.
Unbreakable Bond is a choice node with Improved Spotters Mark, you aren’t losing a talent point to use it, it’s an either or choice. You get a pet to tank for you, or you get more damage. Just like MM has been for awhile now with Lone Wolf talent so nothing has changed in that aspect
This was the compromise. With the first version of the PTR, the pet was removed. The eagle was put in to be a companion, in which the Eagle actually worked like a spell.
The outcry on the PTR called for Blizzard to cave, and revert the pet change, and now you have the choice node.
I play SV, so I have not really looked at the MM on live, on the PTR, Dark Ranger was behind, and MM was in a much different play space, with Trueshot being the biggest change from 11.0.7
My Shaman is my main, so I will find out how SV is doing between my main raids and whatnot. But it looks as SV will be just fine as Sentinal. Pack Leader has some catching up to do for now.
In twenty years as an MM hunter I have NEVER had to spend a point to have a pet ever.
Here’s a new twist for ya. Tell me how to fix this smart guy
I do pretty much nothing but ebgs so I take Improved spotters mark for the 20% buff.
I get killed and spawn WITH A PET beside me!! I’m in an instance so the pet doesn’t get the hp or dmg buff (BECUA HE"S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE) and I don’t get the 20% because the f’n pet is there. When I tried to dismiss the damn thing I get a warning “Marksmanship Hunters can’t have pets”