That sounds like a bug that needs to be fixed? Why is it that guys fault
It’s clearly a bug.
They need someone to blame.
Love it when two BM hunters double team to talk sh!t about MM
things change, this is the new normal for mm. you should spec into blacksmith so you can build a bridge and get over it
I love it when someone that doesn’t do any high end content pretends they know more about the game/class than a multi ce raider.
I’m sorry you can’t even figure out I play all three specs of Hunter.
You don’t have the credibility for this conversation
Man I spit my drink out rofl
Love the content forums produce
You and me both.
You have a good tier?
If this is directed at me:
- I play all 3 specs
- It wasn’t even talking smack, just curious why you think an obvious bug is that guys fault to solve/explain to you
- No one’s out to get you, calm down.
It’s literally amazing how many times you were wrong in this thread. I think it may be a record…
Still am, been farming mythic queen for months, lots of gold to be made.
So here is my 2 cents. I hate the fact that MM lost their pets. When I started in 06 I went with a Hunter because of the pet. I lost my boy and did my best to find a K9 to name after him and enjoyed questing with my boy at my side. I then went on a mission to get rare pets. I camped for 4 days to get Deathmaw, 3 days to get Ravage and 3 days to get Chaos just to name a few. Over the years I have spent countless hours to "collect " rare K9 type pets, always naming them after my boy and continuing to quest with him by my side. I am a solo player as my work hours make it hard to guild up and raid so I haven’t seen a lot of the end game raids. I always used my pet as a tank and that really made it fun for me. Now that is gone. I realize I can respec or unsub. But I have spent so much time building my Dwarf for Marks and would have to collect all new gear for BM. The unsub decision will come up when my current one runs out But I have always played Marks. When I started we could spec marks and some in survival for the traps. I realize that the game changes and I have rolled with them, but always stayed marks. For now I will try running without my boy and I will try out BM. But as far as this change goes I don’t like it, no sir I don’t like it at all. But again that is just one Hunters opinion. Happy Hunting.
bm/mm stat prios are inverted but it’s not the end of the world, unless you have like 30% crit 2% haste 18% mastery
MM can still use their pets. You need to spec into the Unbreakable Bond talent. It shares a choice node with Improved Spotter’s Mark.
Be sure to take Unbreakable Bond, and enjoy journeying with your pets!
i got my pets back by useing the unbreakable bond talent it brings back the call pet, must be murlocks snuk in blizzard.
there’s nothing fundamental about it. i’ve been petless MM for a decade now
Thank you. I really appreciate you telling me where to find it. I looked so many times but never thought to look in the choice talents. Thank you, Thank you so very much.
OK. So I’m pro having a hunter spec with no Pets.
But after trying the patch, this fetish with spirit eagles is weird man. Like why get rid of the pet then replace it with this spirit eagle b.s? Its just strange. If the dev who came up with this wanted a spirit eagle, why not just like make that a tameable pet? Why all this weirdness?
Its like… we took away your pet… to replace it with a pet… thats not a pet.
The original design in PTR was MM Hunter wont really have a Pet. That to me is absurd. 20 years of Hunter with pet suddenly there would be no pet? I fought it in the forums and I won… they altered the design… now we can spend 1 point to get the Pet. I am still okay with Petless on Dungeons… we never really use our Pet on Dungeons as MM as our bread and butter damage are all on our Range Weapon except for the Primal Rage. But we now have Primal Rage without a Pet.
My probable issue with Petless MM would be on higher Delves like Delves 11. We will see. As of now, I am trying Petless in Undermine and also did Petless on Delves 10. Looks like they nerfed Delves. At least I still have a Pet option if I find a particular Delves 11 story/mechanics hard as Petless. The thing right now, I cant shoot ELITE Rares on Undermine yet when I am alone. I have to determine which Elites is soloable petless and not. World Rares is not Zekvir fight where we have Brann throwing potions.
Because Hunters are a pet class, according to the devs. That’s the point of the eagle — an “unique” pet just for MM. It’s in their opening post to the PTR thread.