Marks -> Beasts Playstyle Changes

You are trolling hard and you know it .Just stop get some help.


I’m trolling because I said MM is not that much harder than BM?

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My goal is to keep a pet and try to preserve as much of the flow / style of Marks as possible. Beasts seems the only way, with some (pretty big) caveats.

I didn’t find what you might be referring to but I can look some more. Given the number of choke point talents in that Survival tree that require a melee weapon, I am unsure how something like that would work.

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Just thought I’d mention it as something to look into… I tried a build out just skipping over anything melee only taking what was required to get down the tree… Damage wasn’t terrible, I would use it for running around soloing without an issue, but it wouldn’t be something I’d take into a dungeon.

Last I recall, melee SV still has a hidden aura that automatically puts a 50% damage penalty on your auto attacks if you equip a ranged weapon.

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You understand the concept that easier and harder doesnt mean one is easy and one is hard, right?

You can have 2 easy things and have one still be harder than the other. BM is easier than MM - this is a fact, BM is boring compared to MM - this is my and many peoples opinions.

Again, you arent stupid, you know this, you are just once again vague wording stuff and deliberately “misunderstanding” so you can continue your contrarian trolling.

Nobody is fooled or impressed, just stop it.

None of which is relevant anyway because, once again, you can literally keep pets with no impact on any other change now or in the future, no impact on balance and no impact on gameplay other than keeping the option for people who want it.

When there is NO pros and ONLY cons, as is objectively the case here, it is a bad decision.


you’re so right I hope they bin the only amount of attention MM has gotten in years bestie.

reminder: just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a contrarian troll. it’s okay if someone disagrees with you. it doesn’t mean you need to fly off the handle like this.

you are putting a lot of words in my mouth to get angry at something I never said. why is that?

why are you trying to be the final say about the MM rework and say there are no pro and only cons in the same post as trying to bring up facts and opinions?

literally, and I mean literally, never said otherwise. I don’t know why you think I did, or why your feelings are so hurt I dare implied that MM is not complicated to play

I never said or implied scrapping anything in fact I have explicitly said over and over and over and over and over and over and over including the post you are replying to that they can keep every single planned change without compromising absolutely any part of it with the sole exception of leaving pets as an option for people who want them.

Literally every single other one of the changes would remain exactly the same. Every dungeon would play the same as if they remove pets. Every raid would play the same as if they remove pets. You could play in the open world exactly the same as if they remove pets.

And you also follow up by acting as if I’m arguing you said BM is harder or something. Again deliberately “misunderstanding” and twisting what is being said and clarified so you can continue to be an argumentative contrarian troll.

Maybe contribute something of value for a change.


The thing is, a lot of people are saying you can’t balance MM around having a pet, even though I suggested treating the hunter as if they will go pet less say 99.999999999…% of the time.

I mean, some things you just need to look at, and see how things can be:
MM survivability: CDs and such we can use on the chance that the mob reaches us or we wind up pulling extra due to mob density, with pet our need fo such may go down, but pets die, lose threat, might not be tanking the mob that is on us, etc,

For me, the issue comes down to, as far as balancing things, for DPS you can get away with balancing for the ideal, for survivability you tend to be better off “balancing” for the times when things go so far south the fan does not just turn brown but is so laded with brown stuff it is flinging it everywhere.

So don’t.

Balance MM around not having a pet. Tune having a pet to be worse damage than not having a pet. Put a developer note “MM without pet is the intended playstyle, but we have retained the option to call a pet at a minor throughout loss for those who prefer it”.

Done. Everyone is happy. I suppose the people who want to play MM with pet competitively in high end group content might be disappointed, but I don’t think they actually exist based on the feedback threads so far.

I have said similar, but then they pull the “if you have a pet that can tank, you don’t need the extra survivability” or “if you balance around the no pet being the standard, MM is OP with a pet” excuses.

Who is the “they” that are saying these things?

For the first, who cares? Group PvE and PvP survivability are not meaningfully impacted by the pet - MM pets may as well be made of paper in PvP, and MM pets are solely for damage and access to utility in group PvE, they don’t take hits for the Hunter at all.

For the second, yes, that’s why we apply a debuff to Hunter damage ensuring MM+pet does less damage.

I’ll link a prime example of one:

This is the kind of fool we are dealing with, one that can’t seem to grasp that even in solo PvE MM hunters that use pets don’t use them 100% of the time,

Again, just build the spec as though there is no pet. Then let people summon the pet for a DPS loss and no additional utility.

Oh no! A weird suboptimal choice that is extremely important to Subgroup A might be marginally better at the content that Subgroup A participates in at a vastly higher rate than any other content in the game, while having zero appreciable impact on balance outside that one isolated context! However will we resolve this conundrum?

its not even marginally better at that content, i refuse to believe people are struggling in world content with a spec that can kite.

Some enemies are difficult or impossible to kite (casters, anything snare immune), and some enemies spawn in areas where kiting is a huge pain. Having a pet makes those things objectively easier, even if you are skilled at kiting.

Not saying it’s necessary, or that you are fighting for your life to get a 1% kill on the elite when solo but it just looks at your pet once and dies, I’m just saying that it is a bit easier with a pet than without.

interrupt those then? maybe?? its not like mobs in world content dont fall over with one rapidfire press. ive played lone wolf hunter while leveling and theres literally nothing that can kill me, ive even took down some “elites” as well. theres nothing in world content that can threaten you unless your trying to solo world GROUP content, but even then you can solo that with enoguh ilvl while watching netflix on the second screen

whats next? do yall want the game to give you a “kill everything instantly” button cause its “impossible” to kill eilte mobs with a pet.

Please read posts before replying to them if you don’t want to look like you are incapable of comprehension.

this never happens. ever. if it does then you as a player did something horribly wrong

As a roll playing MM hunter why are all of you so dead set on ignoring your new eagle friend. Seems like role playing paradise to me. Name your eagle and make a new friend. Come up with a back story and go have some adventures. You guys don’t care about parses or IO. Your not running with world first guilds.

For role playing casuals (nothing wrong with that at all) yall are really bad at it. You have a new friend coming, eagle seems pretty bad ***. Get hype and for god sake have some fun.