Marks -> Beasts Playstyle Changes

im just kind of confused is all, like

“i want to play a hunter spec that has a pet but whose kit does not meaningfully interact with a pet in any way shape or form but also does not summon beasts from my stable or anything like that”

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People are just that spiteful that any topic related they have to parrot gO pLaY bM hUntEr


Depending on your goals here, there was a build of sv that was ranged and used a bow… There was a guy who got to duelist rating in pvp with that build. Idk if it still exists in TWW, that was in DF. But depending on your goals it could be an option. SV has very few melee abilities, most of them are ranged. Then you use steady shot to build focus and arcane shot to dump it while throwing bombs, explosive shots, and kill commands all at range.

yea the same historic blizzard who thought massive artifact grinds in legion\bfa\shadowlands was a good idea and that tier sets shouldnt be in the game. You are posting stuff from 10 years ago

MM is super unpopular in the last couple of expansions if you are correct next patch it will be even less popular but i find that hard to believe. Time will tell in about 1 or 2 months.

Also when i played MM hunter in legion i had to play pet at least in pvp due to stun\anti heal and sac\freedom.

Well for one it can be done without having to stand still for even a second so working around the mechanics of whatever is going on at the time is straightup not even in the equation.

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Bm is super simple you don’t have to think about positioning at all, you just mash buttons .

last I saw MM was moving most of the time too, though? it’s not like MM has any sort of super complex gameplay loop either…? you just mash buttons and think about your position, which is like the bare min for a dps lol

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Unless you play bm where you don’t even have to do a bare minimum.

right, but we’re talking about MM here. people are pretending MM is any more rotationally complex than BM, when it’s not. even then BM has to optimize focus gen / spent with KC’s low cooldown while maintaining frenzy

And where did i mention anything about rotation?

well seeing as how that was the conversation happening I figured it was implied?

person A said BM has a dead simple rotation
I said MM’s rotation isn’t more or less simple
you said BM is super simple

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Because it is simple as bm you don’t have to worry about mechanics screwing you over while you try to pump, you don’t have to think about positioning and timing your cd to maximize damage output windows, you get to do your full potential dps regardless of having deal with mechanics.

right…and MM is really not that much more complex at all. it’s still a very simple rotation. I’m glad we agree?

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All specs have simple rotation, some are more fluent than others but none of them are rocket science. Bm is only range with melee mobility they are simple to play and able to do good with minimum effort.

yes, you can do well as MM with min effort as well. that’s the whole point of what I am saying. MM players looking down at BM players just comes across as rude and ill informed lol


I was not aware stating a fact is rude , also everything i said is a fact and i repeat beast master spec is simple and easy to play .Be offended all you want but truth is beast mastery is easiest spec to play in game not because of rotation but because you can do your rotation on the go.

okay, but that’s nothing to do with what I’m saying: MM is also incredibly easy to play lol

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I have an Affliction 'lock. I like her well enough, but 'lock pets feel a lot more like the description for the eagle pet-not-a-pet that they’re talking about for Marks. You don’t pick them and everyone’s got the same one(s).

At least with 'lock pets you can direct them a bit but the experience is still lackluster; they feel much more like accessories than companions.

Just stop - you’re being incredibly disingenuous by using non specific vague phrasing and you damn well know it.

Almost EVERY class has an easy rotation by your definition. “You just press buttons and move” literally describes every single action in the game.

You can get entirely screwed as MM with movement which has a cascading effect on everything else going out of sync - you have to be very specific in the order you do things to actually do good DPS. No it’s not particularly more complex and yes you have to do a similar thing with BM. The difference, as you well know, is that you’ll never have a situation with BM where moving screwed it up and caused everything to go out of sync.

MM has to utilise the small gaps between Aimed Cooldowns to move to a position where we will be able to get a cast off uninterrupted. If movement happens as you need to cast oh well too bad about that cast you get to do nothing instead. This is something that you don’t have to think about or do as BM.

Let’s use the queen fight for example - moments in the fight where BM can continue its rotation at full capacity without any additional consideration to timing around abilities:

  • Poison Nova knockup
  • Moving to poison Nova
  • Getting knocked up
  • Dodging waves
  • Crap on ground
  • Moving boss out of crap on ground
  • Web lines
  • Web pull ins
  • Phase change waves
  • Those exploding balls
  • Dropping webs

As BM you do not have to adjust a single part of your rotation or consider any of that in the context of your rotation you simply move and keep pressing your buttons as normal and absolutely nothing changes for you.

As MM it is a lot more effort to keep your rotation running smoothly and everything lined up and in sync whilst weaving movement in between casts to get to where you need to be without interrupting the rotation and even then there is stuff you can’t avoid interrupting.

What’s annoying about having to explain all this is you know as well as I do all of the above you’re just playing dumb and pretending like it’s totally the same thing or it’s a non-difference because God forbid anything gets in the way of your constant contrarian opinions.


I’m not being disingenuous? Ask serious MM players, they’ll happily say it’s not a complex spec. So many people on this forum like to dismiss BM as some sort of simple spec while patting themselves on the back for playing MM. MM is not a complex spec. MM players are not superior to BM players. Refusing to play BM because it’s “easy” while at the same time playing MM is just a very ironic hill to die on.

BM has gameplay considerations to make with focus management and barbed shot management. To ignore that and pretend MM is some sort of complex plate spinning spec is just weird to me. No need to take it so personally lol