Marks -> Beasts Playstyle Changes

We might not be able to, outside of

Partly because it is not a visual pet, just the effects it provides are visual

Because it was FORCED to me, after they killed they one i use?

LOL, how can you talk about roleplay when blizz shot your dog and give you a pigeon to replace it?


if your role playing you can legit go to bm for your pet

That was my entire point.

Using a pet when soloing, most of the time, is a little bit easier. Occasionally, against certain enemies or in certain areas, it’s a lot easier.

That’s it.

If you dont know how that works, dont try to pretend you do

:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:

i know how to roleplay, what the heck are you implying man. roleplay works exactly how it sounds, your playing the role of your character your engaging with your friends and other roleplayers in the world. your pretending in general. just pretend your bm hunter is a mm hunter.

like hol,y moly this response is insane

“i dont like the eagel cause it effects my roleplay” my brother in christ your disturbing and effecting your own roleplay

again, if world content was somewhat difficult, i would agree. but its not, solo content hasnt been difficult since mage tower from legion.

Something can be easier than something else without either thing being difficult.

It is easier to order take out than it is to make a sandwich. Making a sandwich is not remotely difficult. Ordering take out is even less difficult.

It is easier to solo quest with a pet than it is without a pet. Solo questing without a pet is not difficult. Solo questing with a pet is even less difficult.

I’m not entirely sure what you are disagreeing with.

BM doesn’t have aimed shot neither the rest of the skills that make him the sharpshooter/marskman you fool, even with this point you guys cant keep saying everything will be solved by just going BM

This is also ONE problem, that you are pretending to be fixing in tandem of others

People are playing and RPing with their MM and pet for 20 years and people keep clowning to go BM

It is for some people, you there are many casuals who dont care about min-maxing, there are disabled players and players who just want thing fast/easier or doing questing with a bit of roleplay

You need to stop pretending everyone is a raider


this is ridiculous

the game shouldnt be tuned or design around this level of rp. or shouldnt be tuned/ designed around world content.

It is indeed

The game should not be tuned or designed around a game mode that minority does.


Basically this and even if they do exist, it wont be in content high enough where the ~50k DPS penalty @1.5m DPS will matter anyway even if they DO drag out their pet.

Oh, that is unfortunate. Oh well. :slightly_frowning_face:

BM feels bad.

Without the cast timers, or movement restrictions, you just kind of spam stuff and it just… Happens. There’s not anything that makes your rotation feel different from ability to ability.


There is nothing wrong with it being easier. I wasn’t taking shots.

That said, go to wowhead and look at the rotations. There is no comparison.

Do you have a 0.25 GCD time period to choose between rapid fire, AiS, ArS, and SS? Not to mention all of the stuff you need to do to work around hard-casting AiS. Does your rotation change when you move? What about reactive abilities like Kill Shot and Wailing Arrow (neither are 100% push on proc)? Other than major cooldowns, do you have anything on a 30s+ CD (like volley) that you need to align with the encounters’ events?

Is MM hard? No. It’s nothing like the Arcane Mage rotation (whatever it happens to be this week), but it’s far more complex and nuanced than BM.

It’s intellectually dishonest to claim they are equally difficult.

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sure, different strokes for different folks. but there’s a non-zero amount of people (read: one of the most frequent suggestions for MM) to make ais castable while moving or have no cast time. just seems ironic to me that people write off BM as being easy mode but then ask for the same thing for mm.

But really, it’s not… Both specs can do about 90% of their potential DPS by spamming your abilities. That extra 10% is gained through the minutia and quick decisions. MM has the areas you listed, but BM has areas that people concentrate on as well… KI Sniping, Multi dotting, planning out Dots 20+ seconds in advance in order to skip the talents that make it trivial for more damage, lining up big cds with Withering procs depending on which hero spec is currently meta…

I prefer MM as well, but I don’t think it’s right for MM players to trivialize the effort some BM players put in to gaining that last 10%.

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wait no you can’t say that my superiority complex noooo mm is full of split-second decision making and tons of gameplay considerations nooooo

Since at least Warlords, if you didn’t reroll for BM for this exact reason, you were doing it wrong for up to over 10 years. You’d be really fun at parties, the laughed-at kind.

BM never stopped using a ranged weapon and never stopped using a pet at any point. Guess which spec lost traps for a short bit? Guess which spec was forced to use a melee weapon? Of course nothing would ever touch that sacred cow. But it was MM and SV that ate :poop: since Legion. As self-evident of TWW, they’re sure eating a lot less of it. Enough time, they’ll be able to know what normal food smells and tastes like again.

I hope this isn’t news to you that the petted RDPS that always came out on top was BM. When Classic Legion goes live, you can keep playing BM and dominate, by the way.

Sorry-not-sorry to say you came late to this, hoss. Everyone who thought as you do already did as you said or contrary to just sticking with it. None of them believed that MM was going to pick up. But Blizz noted the dedicated MM mains that remained and the rest is history. So now they’re finally getting a piece of the pie in that deluxe apartment in the Upper East Side.

10 years is a long time to either do nothing at all or actually do something with it.

Almost like… They aren’t the same people…

almost like…I didnt say that…