Mark of the spelunker supreme

I’m extremely frustrated with the design of the vendors for this token. The PvE and PvP items look identicle other than the text. The spiders are right next to each other and have simular names.

On top of that the NPC’s move randomly and close the shop window.

I went to the vendor, double checked I was on the pvp item, was debating which item to buy and the NPC moved on me closing the shop window.

Then my solo shuffle pops I’ve been waiting 30 mins on pops up and I go to buy the item quickly so I can enter, and the now the pve vendor is in front of me but I don’t notice and buy the PvE item even though I just double checked it…

Now I have a worthless PvE set item that just set me back two weeks.

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It’s a known issue. Blizzard is aware and they have stated they’ll be working on making the PvE/PvP items from the vendors more obvious.

There has certainly been a lot of players experiencing the same issue you have.


Do we know if any solution came out yet? Just happened to a friend of mine and feels like they just wasted days grinding out KSM for a hero tier piece…and now they have a champion pvp piece.

This your friend?

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Sure is. Very sad it is like this. Why would you ever say no to a pop up to equip your tier set piece. It has the name, it is what you want. It was purchased with the currency used for a heroic piece. Oh well, still very sad.

If you have feedback about the game I recommend both of you to post at the Dungeons raids etc forum or use the ingame suggestion box.

Previously it had no refund timer at all and was changed due significant feedback. Maybe they’ll change additional things like the colouring, names or even better the location of the NPC selling this because simply attaching a refund timer doesn’t seem to work good enough yet.

He can keep his ticket open if he wants, but if his refund is granted this means everyone must be granted a refund :thinking: we’ll see what happens then.


You forgot to mention that you are also forced to do almost the entire campaign on every character that you want to use these tokens on.

You only need to do the campaign once. Subsequent characters can skip the leveling campaign and begin the max level campaign once they hit level 80 by talking to Brann in Dornogal. Having done this personally, there’s nothing preventing access to both vendors.


Yeah well I dinged 80 long before i finished the leveling campaign, and I don’t feel like going back and questing for an hour and a half just so I can get a slot of conquest gear. I’m probably going to walk away from the game anyway at this point so its whatever, game is obviously not made for people like me anymore anyway.

Damn i just did this too. Oh man… The other vendor the tokens were red wtf. Who wants pvp garbage anyhow? The pvp gear is named the same too! Why would they put pvp gear near the same npc? Dumb!

Also, its worth noting upon reviewing this that the vendors are UNLABELED. They have a baby spider that i noticed after leaping between the 2 that says < weapons merchant > to add to the confusion. Why would blizzard screw over people like that it’s almost a troll move. It was not obvious that I was buying the wrong stuff either.

I just went into the area where the npc was saw my set named Lightless bought the armor and slapped on enchant being happy that i was 4pc. I read it and it’s a champion with PVP labeled underneath the set bonus. It pays to read everything but when your burnt out on running keys and you are just glad to be done and it’s so poorly labeled i’m beyond livid right now. what ever happened to the pvp vendors in a special area in town away from the pve gear?

That was my worst experience of a 2k IO grind as a D Tier spec in the game per wowhead and it’s obvious my class is lacking. Only to be screwed at the end. I feel like i’m partly to blame for not reading but it’s so punishing to me and i see i’m not the only one who made the mistake

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