Mark of the spelunker supreme

I received this item after getting 1600 on my main holy pally. On this holy pally i just got 1600 and I do NOT have the mark. It is not in my bag i quadruple checked and is not in my mailbox. Anyone else have this issue?

If that is this seasons equivalent to the Emerald Mark of Mastery, it is not a rating reward.

It is a reward for unlocking the achievement that was triggered by hitting 1600 rating. It can only be earned once per season per challenge, AFAIK.


I’m not entirely familiar with those, but usually stuff like that can be earned per character, since the item itself cannot be traded and not bound to Warband.

I do see you earning it on this character, Bubblebuddyx… your naming convention doesn’t make it difficult at all to keep the two characters straight… :stuck_out_tongue:

I can see the item get created but not what happened to it after, which seems odd. I’m going to poke around and see what I can find, but I would definitely submit a bug report to start and we’ll see what can be done from there.


That is spot on! I earned it on my holy paladin Bubblebuddyy-illidan . The achievement rewards an item called “Mark of the Spelunker Supreme” which can be traded in for a tier piece from one of the vendors in the spider city. I traded it in for my tier helmet on bubblebuddyy-illidan.

This is the achievement in question:
The War Within Season 1: Spelunker Supreme - Achievement - World of Warcraft (

On my alt holy paladin bubblebuddyx-illidan I also earned the achievement however the item is completely missing! If it functions like draconic mark of mastery or verdent mark of mastery (why wouldnt it?) then this alt holy paladin also should have gotten the item awarded from this achievement.

Thanks! Let me know if you find anything.

I am having the same issue. Have earned the achievement on 2 characters so far and nothing.

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Which characters, Midas? I only show your Night Elf Monk with the Feat of Strength and the Mark of the Spelunker Supreme is sitting in that character’s mailbox.


Hey quick update. I earned 1600 on my warlock and both my pres evokers and they received the mark in the mailbox saying it was a lost item even though their inventories were not full.

This character still does not have the mark and is the only character of the 5 I earned the achievement on to not receive the mark. I created a ticket about this issue and only received an automated response linking me to different articles.


You need to post in the Bug Report Forum. GM’s cannot do anything about bugs.

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Ah yes i guess i received it a few hours later for both my chars, because it definitely wasnt in the mailbox after i got the achievement. Thanks!

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Hey looks like im perma behind on gear now because the ticket response i received was “hahah we wont do anything about it go make a bug report about the issue we already know exists”.

My only option at this point is to level another holy paladin.

I highly doubt that is what a GM told you. They are far more respectful than that. Plus they like to RP there jobs a bit to keep the spirit of the game. How ever I do believe they asked you to make a bug report. Those reports help the QA staff.


GMs can only do what the Devs allow them to. There are only a few bugs that GMs are permitted to help with. Filing a bug report gives QA and the Devs another data-point on the issue and can help lead to a faster resolution.


I also on the Character “Wtbwarlock” hit 1600, But dont have the item.

If it’s bugged, the best thing to do is make sure to report it either in-game or via the Bug Report forums to make sure that the QA team sees it.


It is less that, and more… this matter is under investigation and we do not have a policy that allows us to replace your Spelunker Supreme yet. We cannot simply pull one out of thin air because we want to.


Really? From what I can see you received it through the mail about 8 hours ago. You then used it to purchase the Hexflame Coven’s Leggings, refunded those, and then purchased the Hexflame Coven’s Ritual Harness, which you are currently wearing.


No, it’s how the game has always been.

Because GM’s cannot fix bugs. That needs to be the QA team, and they can be reached through the Bug Report Forum, or the in-game Report A Bug feature.

It was not. Stop with the completely false history.


Allowing people who are not developers to edit the game (give you stuff) without any data to back it up, would be a huge problem.

As for your statistics, I think it’s only 76.435%. That’s the one I made up at least.

And no, they always had rules and policies to follow.


That isn’t actually true. Game Masters have only been able to follow the policies and procedures that are in place. The difference between the earlier days is that the game was a great deal less complicated so a policy to “fix” something that a bug may have caused was a lot easier to get out.

It also took exponentially longer for a bug fix to go into the game since we didn’t have Hotfixes like we do now and mostly had to wait for those updates to be rolled into a patch, which would have an implementation date weeks or months later.

So yes, a lot of the time if you are putting in a ticket about a bug, a Game Master cannot fix that. They can sometimes resolve an issue that the bug may have caused, but a policy has to be put in place for that to happen. This matter is still being looked into, as I said earlier.