March Trading Post?

I only have 1.4k tender left. Please have mercy. :scream:

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i got 9k i wish i could give it away

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I’m at 365…

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I’m really hoping for a good Kilt transmog. Please Bliz, I’m begging.

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Wouldn’t it be tomorrow? We still have 1 day of February left!

i wish the traders post wasnt based on holidays

it used to not be last year until later

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They did a blue post saying when they would show different things.
Trading post was down for thr 28th.
Although its possible they forgot it was a leap year

Green like me. :green_heart:

It’s supposed to be today, but it’s also like 7AM in California so it might be a bit longer.

Wait, I had 4.5k so I actually spent 3k tender. Maths is hard.

Imagine if people could convert tenders into another currency.


I spent ALL of it in February.

So many miniskirts and hearts!


The only Valentine transmog I didn’t get were the bows and wands since I don’t use wands and my Hunter is collecting dust. :joy:

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this is why i cant have nice things

yall buy out the entire inventory then whine that u dont have currency. and i cant get items worth 2-5k tenders like mythic quality raid sets

Hopefully it’s good cause I have like 4K sitting around from the last two months being giga meh for me.

Listen, Miniskirts are valid. You spent your tendies wisely.


Oh good I can finally get the Warden armor. February flew by.

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It’s a good armor. Gratz ahead of time for getting it :dracthyr_nod:

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Feb was garbage so here’s hoping March has some good stuff.

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its gonna be all green this time

I haven’t but we are soon there. I am a bit worried thou, I blew way too much of my saved up tender this time so I may be unable to afford something really good.