March Trading Post?

Have we seen a preview yet?

Thats coming later today


“Green is Good” theme but I suspect the new noblegarden outfit is the reward. :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: WAIT, noblegarden is in april.

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That would probably be april. There are no holidays in march, unless my birthday counts.

Hoping march is weak. February broke me.

But hopefully today or at worst tomorrow.


Opposite for me.
I only bought the fox mount (im a sucker for foxes).
I have a lot to spend.
I hope its good this time haha

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It’s all green stuff

Saint Patricks Day I believe is a holiday.


Yeah Noblegarden is April as you said. I had not seen these models though.

I love the spring dresses in all the colors and a fancy hat! Now if only hats worked better with hair. It is fabulous though. We also already have flower crowns, tophats, and other fun stuff to use with it.

The Weekly Blue post said that the March Trading Post info should be today I think. They tell us each week what will be announced, released, or what promotions will be around.

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  • February 27
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      While this event is active, Arena Skirmishes will award Honor at an increased rate. Will you answer the call to battle?
    • (Event) PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse (February 27 – March 5)
    • (Article) Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees
    • (Promotion) New Promotion
  • February 28
    • (Article) Green is Good During March’s Trading Post :four_leaf_clover: :sauropod: :frog:
  • February 29
  • March 1
    • (Article) Blues News
    • (Promotion) New Promotion
    • (Promotion) New Promotion
    • (Event) March Trading Post Begins
  • March 3

Edit - emojis by the trading post info were added by me, not Blizz. I just wanted to be sure folks saw the info. It means nothing about what we might get.


St Patrick would like to have a word.


Yeah. But they dont celebrate in game. That’s why I didnt bring it up. There don’t have any holidays on the in game calendar.

Don’t remind me! PTSD from boiled beef and cabbage St. Patrick’s Day Dinners. I can still smell that kitchen from my childhood. yuck.

Blasphemer! Corned beef and cabbage is god tier lol


Fingers crossed for a weak March trading post. I spent like 2k tender in Feb.


OMG! No, Never! I can’t. I used to dread St. Patricks day.

Crossing my fingers that March trading post is something I won’t be interested in. I burnt through a lot of points this month. Need time to save up.

Hoping for a cool mount on the progress bar and little else I want, I spent a bit too much the last couple months and I’m almost broke, lol.

I spent near nothing in Feb. I’m really hoping for a very controversial mount this month so I can watch people melt down over it while sitting on it AFK in the Major City I feel will upset the most people.

Maybe I’ll wear my “My family went to Gilneas and all I got was this T-shirt, with a worgen tail on it.” T-shirt.

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fingers crossed its the best trading post since october cuz feb was worthless


I’m hoping for a Leprechaun outfit. I may even make a Gnome for the occasion…


OMG, I would LOVE to see a goblin in this!!

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