still gonna get 3 shot by fury warriors lol
And sub rogue, mm hunter, feral, ww
unholy DK and RET in a weird spot where we don’t have damage or any survivability this is the weakest I’ve seen RET for a while and unholy is just unplayable DOTS legit tick for 30k lol
I don’t have a very nuanced opinion, it’s all based on feelings. When I go into a battleground, including rated, and I see the enemy team has more than one Retribution paladin, I am pleased. I do not fear fighting any paladins generally with current tuning. That makes me feel that Retribution needs some love. We will see how I feel in a week after experiencing these changes. From what I’ve seen, the changes are well deserved.
On top of riders being cringe gameplay imo. The fact that you cant even control them or automatically follow your pet commands is crazy.
Played my dk last season for the elite set only and it was not fun not against physical damage (they crush you so hard glad they buffed bloodforged armor) not even fun against casters. Yea dks have double grip sleet silence (these make casters very mad) but still mages are still gonna mage against you, sp are brick walls and lock mobility has improved so much, evokers are nigh un touchable. Even in your favored matchups you dont feel good.
100% man I feel like I pop every cooldown and it’s still not enough to go against warlocks and SP no matter what I do I’m not very good if were honest but still DK feels so weak into every class now not just melee which melts us instantly