March 25th buffs


  • Holy
    • Developers’ notes: Holy Paladin’s throughput has been below our targets so we are combining an overall buff with targeted increases to a few spells we would like to feel particularly more impactful.

    • All healing increased by 3%.

    • Word of Glory and Eternal Flame healing increased by an additional 20%.

    • Light of Dawn healing increased by an additional 20%.

    • Holy Prism AoE healing and damage increased by an additional 30%.

    • Holy Prism single target healing and damage increased by an additional 50%.

    • Shield of the Righteous damage increased by 30%.

    • Retribution

    • Final Verdict damage increased by 20%.

PvP Changes

  • Blinding Light no longer removes damage over time effects from enemy players.

  • Holy

    • Divine Protection now reduces damage taken by an additional 5% in PvP combat.
  • Retribution

    • Developers’ notes: We’re pulling back on a few of Retribution Paladin’s negative PvP multipliers that we no longer feel are necessary.

    • Avenging Wrath now increases damage and healing done by 15% (was 10%) in PvP combat.

    • Blade of Justice damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.

    • Divine Protection now decreases damage taken by 15% in PvP combat (was 10%).


Just FV getting a buff specifically feels a bit weird. Haven’t checked the math yet but does this mean we use FV on 2 targets now, over DS?

Edit: No, DS is still a tiny bit stronger on 2 targets.

Like I said in the other thread, they should put FV at 200% and stop touching it.

With the buff on the 25th it’ll have changed 6 times since 10.0…

No, it’s at 193ap, 210 with jurisdiction, DS is 116 baseline

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Not a number cruncher but just touching FV seems strange. Maybe it will bring our ST up to par. Honestly not sure.

Aoe i think rets fine at.

It’s a 2.5 to 3% increase roughly for ST.

Hmm seems abit small to really effect our ST in a meaningful way, but im terrible with mathing so im probably wrong lol.

It’s compounding a bit into ES as well.

But the performance were somewhat close for the majority of the classes.

The total delta between first and last was at roughly 13% excluding aug( it changes alot from week to week)

But WW monk and Fire mage loosing 4% and 3% whilst a bunch of lower spec get similar % buff should give a nice spread.

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Yea that’s fair. Honestly im just happy ret got some love.

Your right too about the top getting nerfed. Should lessen the gap abit.

Realistically they could nerf us to the ground and id still play ret cus im a fanboi lol.

As a holy, I expected 5% aura buff AT MOST. This is about 8%, so I’m satisfied.

It’s just a bit of a shame that a lot of our talents and abilities pretty much dont do anything anymore (this is exactly the opposite issue of late DF Hpal, where we had multiples CDs and our spenders were extremely weak, and between the too, this is the better option ofc).

For example Tyr’s being useless, AM being bad in M+, Lightforged blessing doing basically 0 healing, Veneration being bad, a lot of talents still being horrible like Breaking Dawn and Liberation, weird talent positioning like RI, weak holy shock damage, LotM being a next healing loss with overhealing causing absorbs, Virtue/HS current mana values still being just a bit high, etc.

But this is a really solid buff and strong start for the spec.


I agree it was more of a buff than I expected and I’m happy for it. Our talents are still a mess as you said. But at the same time, I’m kinda really ticked off that they had to buff our top heal by over 20% like how do your devs miss the mark that bad and ignore all the feedback for 2 months screaming that holy paladin needs fixes…


It’s not gonna change anything, it might bring us from bottom of the pack to more middle-ish but that’s about it.

Gonna be another tier of Ret being absolute dogwater, at least the tier is easy and I can start raidlogging sooner.

Doomer, yawn.

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Middle = dogwater
Between 7th and 2nd place = it’s “ok”
1st place = God tier OP

Meaningless labels…
Words need to mean something, you need to nuance.


It is when the top is so much above it, and not just dps wise but utility wise too.

Ret won’t even crack the top 10 with this buff, it will still fight with Druids and DKs for the worst dps class spot, meaning that every other class has at least 1 spec that is above you, and that is not a good spot to be in.

Holy has historically never been this bad, and even with that you’re struggling to find a spot as Ret.

The top is being nerfed 3-4%.
That’s about roughly 90-100k DPS average

Utility wise Ret is on the same level as other paladin, it’s all about Devo.

It doesn’t matter, if the mean difference between DPS is small, your position doesn’t matter.

Not that it is necessarily the case now but that’s literally the first tuning they are doing.

Wrong, it is worse than Holy and Prot.

And the most important.
A lot of people, including myself, will probably already be done with the raid before we see any more significant tuning.
Meaning progression, the actual fun and relevant part of the raid, will be over, so any changes done then won’t actually matter since the damage would have already been done.

The fact of the matter is that this patch should never have been released in the state that it was, seeing class stacking that hasn’t been seen in 8 years, absolutely ridiculous, and then they come out with minimal changes for some classes/specs after having an entire extra week to work on the changes.

Prot has Spellwarding on Ret.
Holy has Echoing Blessing on both Ret and Prot.

Everything else is the same now

Would I like Ret to have its own thing?

Sure, but those 2 things aren’t a big deal at all.

To you, that’s a you thing.

Obviously but that’s done.
We can’t go back, we can only point out they messed up and ask they adjust what is there now.

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That’s enough to matter.
Holy also has Blessings of Seasons and also Aura Mastery, I know that AM is more of a healing cd but it has been the main reason why Holy has always been brought to raids.

And? Am I the only one that that’s relevant to?
Most people the tuning would actually affect care about it, not the casual players that barely step foot into raids.

i just want to say the buff is actually 4% and lyonidus is right. rets historically has been middling and after years of it being middling or bad, with a taste of it being actually strong due to lego. you actually want your main spec to be strong.

No but also that’s not necessarily important to everyone.

That’s what matters to you, but in the grand scheme, the balance is gonna be “good” much longer than it was “wrong”.

That you attach importance to this specific moment is irrelevant.

As someone who used to think as you do…

It’s not more of a healing cd, it is a healing CD.

The reason Holy is historically brought is because even amongst healer this mechanic allows to go past checkpoint you would have otherwise needed more geat to clear.

It’s not a boon over Ret or Prot specifically, it’s a leg up on other healers entirely.

If more healer brought raid wide DR, holy wouldn’t have benefited from the hegemony they got.

We have 3 now, Holy pal, Disc and resto Shaman, probably need 1 more or all of them at this point.

Blessings of seasons is… A thing I guess but it’s still a terribly designed “buff”.

I know I was there and it would be nice to have something only we bring.

But what Holy and Prot have on Ret is niche.
Spellwarding you’re gonna use once in a fight on 1 person over 15-20 people…

And AM as I said is an issue for healer in general not just paladins.

If Holy raid CD was a healing throughput one, I don’t think it would have necessarily have had the representation it got throughout the years.