March 12th Tuning

You don’t get either. That’s my final offer.

It’s gonna happen whether you want it to or not.

Marks is performing so poorly in raid it’s barely above aug which isn’t even a full dps spec.

Marks has been getting percentage aura buffs the whole expansion and will continue to.

Maybe the benefit is eventually there’ll be so much damage people won’t take sniper shot since rapid fire will do 50% of someone’s health (already does a ton).

They can buff things for PvE that doesn’t carry over to PvP. They do this very frequently. For some reason they don’t do it with most MM buffs.

This can already happen. Sniper shot takes 40-50%. Then, death chakrams and rapid fire alone can take the rest with crits. Throw in an explosive shot and/or kill shot and that kills most players.

Also, if you have an aimed shot proc to pair up with your sniper shot, they hit at the same time doing 70-80% of someone’s health if the aimed shot crits.


Here is an aimed shot proc & sniper shot combo. I have berserker, but this is Blitz so no consumables. In a random BG this geared paladin would have probably died 100-0 in a single global. Not sure how anyone can think this is okay.


Yes, so once sniper shot is (assuming it will be) removed, what’s the next flow of tears about marksman?

It will never end. The spec is built perfectly for random bgs. Massive frontloaded damage from range.

First it was double tap, now it’s sniper shot. But really it’s simply that hunters can unload upfront damage from ranged every 2min (ts) or 45 seconds (chakram/explosive shot).

Marks sucks everywhere else though, so more damage is coming. And blizz always forgets to separate PvE and PvP damage until it’s too late.

Sniper shot is a gimmick that fails in anything where people are paying attention and can los, cc, use defensives etc.

It literally has a negative correlation with usage vs rating in arena. Why? Because it takes a valuable PvP slot, is not that easy to actually use, and can be stopped in a variety of ways.

The entire concept of the spec is based on frontloaded big damage (which tbh sucks, the spec plays like absolute trash imo). It will always be (and always has been) a terror in random bgs where everything I chaos and uncoordinated.

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They need to reduce the range a lil , reduce the DMG a lil add a bit of fall off . Then make it unusable in cameo . Problem fixed.

It really doesn’t need to be removed. It’s damage just needs to not scale with stats and buffs. I wouldn’t see any justification for complaining about MM hunter once that happens personally. Maybe the additional range sniper shot provides could be toned down a bit.

Sniper shot can work in RSS and also works in Blitz (which will be rated). Not a good choice for regular arena due to voice comms and coordination. Not a good choice for rated BGs because coordinated healers can counter burst and those are typically won via attrition (aoe cleave versus mana). Although MM can do some really good cleave if built that way and people are stacked enough.

I counter your YouTube with another.


Yes, I saw this one too. But sniper shot isn’t just about damage it can also be used to establish good positioning where you can avoid damage just by being far enough away that a DPS decides it is not worth trying to go after you.

Also, not sure if the data is from regular arena or RSS. It won’t be good in arena, but can work in RSS.

Blitz will eventually be rated and currently follows rated rules (no consumables). Currently in Blitz, when things line up you can kill people in just a few seconds. You can oneshot flag holders and orb carriers coming out of camo from 70+ yards away. It is an issue.

As far as them nerfing sniper shot. It’s been this way throughout Dragonflight, but as the seasons progress people are able to stack more mastery.

I think we’re missing each other here. I agree it’s an issue.

I’m saying mm just naturally fits in the bg environment with or without sniper shot. That and they will continue to get damage aura buffs because mm sucks everywhere else in the game but random bgs.

My whole point in this thread is people crying about 3% and not taking a step back to see that it’s mm itself that’s a problem in random bgs, and sniper shot is just a current exacerbating factor.

Complaining about sniper shot in epics? lol… Most of the heavy top dmg MM in epic BGs don’t use sniper shot… If I switched to sniper shot, my dmg would probably go down.

Don’t tell them the secrets!

The main problem with MM is the range… Its way too short and needs to be extended out at least a few hundred yards… I should be able to target people at ROC from our base in Ashran.


Ah, I just don’t quite agree with the first part is all. I think sniper shot is the main issue. I mean, MM would still be good but not out of line, IMO.

Who mentioned epic BGs? Yeesh.

I agree with you there too lol.

I just don’t think the forums ever will. People will always complain about mm because they’ll kill someone from a mile away in 5 seconds.

You’d have to be a hell of a player to make any version of MM work in solo shuffle. The other two hunter specs are just better.

lol muahahaha

Holy priest here. I do well.

I somehow doubt that nerfing sniper shot would impact their raid performance.