March 12th Tuning

I’m not saying anything specific to arena vs bgs.

I’m saying mm is an objectively bad spec in every aspect of the game except for random bgs.

Blizzard is not going to tune the spec for one subset of the player base when it is by all measured data an unplayed spec everywhere - raid, m+, and all rated PvP.

It has and always will do well in randoms. That’s been true for all of wow. Marksman excels in the uncoordinated random bg environment.

If you nerf marks because of bgs, the spec will go from bottom 3 in all areas to absolute zero playability everywhere.


I don’t know about that. My fire mage been farming other communities since forever.

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balancing around 3s does not mean they get to ignore massive balance issues in modes other than 3s. they don’t need to keep bgs as balanced as 3s, but they do need to keep an eye on outliers which they aren’t doing and haven’t been doing all expansion.

removing snipershot wouldn’t disrupt any other game mode and would bring a massive outlier back in line in bgs.

hypothetically, if the game were perfectly balanced, in a 40 man roster you would see nearly 1 of every spec. so when you see 10-15 hunters in every game sometimes over 20, then you know players are picking that class for a reason and it needs to be addressed.


That’s what some people want.

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Again, it’s not about 3s. Marks is terrible everywhere. PvE is more important to blizzard. Everyone knows that. And marks is atrocious in all levels of pve. That is the balancing issue. One of the most popular classes (that already has a wildly unpopular spec) has a massively underrepresented spec in all ove areas. All raid levels and all m+ levels marks is bottom level ranked.

You get rid of sniper shot and marks will still own randoms. It did before sniper shot and it will if it’s gone.

That’s a single outlier ability. The kit itself will always do well into the uncoordinated mass that is random bg players.

It has huge range, huge on demand burst, good aoe, and the ability to stealth. All of which will always dominate in randoms.

Marks buff has 0 to do with rated PvP rep. The buff is because the spec is trash in all PvE content which blizzard does care about.

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that’s kind of why it has been suggested, it can be removed which would fix the 0 counterplay problem without gutting the class.


Which is fine. People will still complain about marks and what will be the target then?

Getting up in arms about a 3% buff acting like it’s somehow an affront to the game is ridiculous.

The only thing we have to determine whether a spec is performing well or not is objective data. And by all those data points (PvE and PvP) marks is terrible.

The reality is, sniper shot can go, and marks will get buffed anyway because it needs it everywhere else in the game. Which means it will just continue to dominate random bgs and nothing will change that dramatically.


I would trade all the sniper shots in the world for better survivability as marks… or any hunter spec really… Imagine if SURVIVAL hunter had good survival tools? The hunter spec trees are still the worst of any I can think of offhand too.


Sniper shot can’t be used in PvE, so keeping Sniper Shot the way it is for PvE balance isn’t a thing.

Removed or reworked somehow. This is an entirely a risk vs. reward issue. MM has way too much reward for the risk that sniper shot removes in BGs.

Is there a dr tracker that doesnt troll u during combat making it so your keybinds dont work? I cant start a topic because im a bad man or something.

Address the range discrepancy of MM hunter vs other specs

Hunter already has a clear advantage over every other ranged by not being susceptible to interrupts while also having access to an interrupt themselves. The added range is the top card of a stacked deck for them.

Removing the range bonus from sniper would go along way to make them less oppressive in BGs, and probably not destroy hunter elsewhere.
It is PvP talent, so there are no PvE impacts to consider.

I can’t imagine sniper range buff is doing much for arena play since any melee will be on your nuts the entire game, and any ranged enemy will be within 30-45 yards from you the majority of the time because their abilities are limited to that range. If you are standing that far away from your target in arena, it is easier for them to hide from you anyway.

Address the didn’t even see it coming out of cammo issue

Hunter should become visible from cammo when beginning a “cast”, or when any ability that does damage is used. (traps excluded)

Mages invisibility was updated to be this way because it was deemed unfair to have players eating massive long channeled hard hitting abilities (glacial, surge, etc.) they had no way of knowing about and/or stopping. I don’t see how this is any different.

This is a patch note from 2023 of that change, for reference.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Mass Invisibility to cancel inconsistently, with no direct actions taken.
  • Developers’ notes: This change also adjusts the timing of when Mass Invisibility is removed from spell casts. Mass Invisibility now cancels when beginning a cast, instead of when it ends, which is consistent with other invisibility effects.

Consistent with other invisibility effects…except this one.

Address lack of line-of-sight in BGs

Line of sight is hunter’s worst enemy.
Some map updates for BGs would help with ranged attacks in general.
I mean, they could at least be consistent about it across the maps.

In Twin Peaks, you can hide behind rocks and tree stumps to LOS a sniper/aimed cast.
You can shoot through tree stumps in Warsong Gulch, so there is no other option than to face-tank an entire hunter kit if they catch you out there.

Can’t even count how many times I have seen a newer player in WSG asking how they are getting shot through trees they can’t walk through because it makes no sense.

OK, thassit.


Tuning can be and is done seperately for pve to pvp.

" Hunter

  • Marksmanship
    • All damage dealt by you and your pets abilities increased by 3%. "

:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart:

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Sure, but marks is also abysmally represented in ranked PvP.

It’s abysmally represented in every measurable (via parses or rating) data point of wow.

So? Re-work the spec so it’s playable everywhere.

remove sniper shot pvp talent
put more dps in other abilities

there I reworked it

dont you just hate it when you get sniper shotted and then you just spend the rest of the battleground dead we need to make 100 threads about how powerless the player is when they get snipershotted in a battleground theres no counterplay you just die 4ever while the rest of the match plays out
makes me laugh every time

They don’t need compensation.

I’ll trade you a sniper shot for a double tap?