How can a 3% buff be so terrifying?
Maybe adding 18,000 more damage to the 600,000 damage Sniper Shot isnt super necessary. But I’m no Dev. I’m sure they have pvp balance as the goal.
3% ?
why not 300%?
da hell man
won’t the 3% mm buff cancel out the cloth armor buffs?
and the fire mage buffs are just bait to get people to queue up as mage fodder for target practice lol
Holy priests must be the only class/spec working as intended. We never get buffs or nerfs.

How can a 3% buff be so terrifying?
it could have been a 0.00003% buff and people would still be upset. the issue is that the bg playerbase has been asking for MM to be nerfed for almost 4 seasons in a row now, a minor buff is blizzards way of giving us the middle finger without actually saying anything direct.
Or nerf the brainless melee cleaves like yourself first then you can nerf hunters. until then in every form of arena or pvp in general if you focus the hunter they cannot kite you and they die instantly especially if more than 1 melee are sitting them.
MM has problems in arena because arena has limited space and LoS to hide behind. there is nothing like that in an open field of a bg, and thats where the problem is.
People gonna re-roll fire mage and then drop it after a week when they realize it’s still a glass cannon just like MM.
Some resto druid love! Mana efficiency is still on my wishlist!
I almost feel like trying it.
they just have no data as you are the only player in the entire world…of warcraft that plays holy priest in pvp
Hmm - I guess we Holy Priests in pvp are just fine then…

Holy priests must be the only class/spec working as intended. We never get buffs or nerfs.
My Holy Priest brother just a word of advice…You really ought to Faction Change over to FORSAKEN!!!

MM has problems
Everyone but random bgs.
It’s by all objective measures in PvE and ranked PvP a garbage spec. It’s among the least played in literally all forms of the game blizzard actually cares about.
And being the least played spec on one of the most popular classes (that has a hated spec within its own class in sv)? That says just how bad it really is.
It’s just really good in uncoordinated play because of range, instant burst, and camo. Sniper shot helps it, but marks has always owned random bgs.

It’s among the least played
until you get to bgs where MM will be 15-25% of most team rosters sometimes even more. and you don’t even need that many, 2-3 coordinated hunters can just dominate a BG because there is 0 counterplay to having multiple hunters simultaneously hit you with snipershot from 75 yards away.
understand that most of the BG community was expecting to see a nerf to or even the removal of sniper shot all together, a buff to MM damage is blizz giving us the middle finger.
and while you might think it doesn’t matter, people will still play BGs when they don’t want to play arena because of inflation or class balance issues. and a lot more people play BGs than arena on a daily basis regardless of any variables.