LMAOOOOO Now I know you are a victim playing troll. Boomkin was legitimately stronger than Augmentation at the top of the ladder in DF Season 2. Tournaments and top of the ladder statistics proved it S2. Waaah for you so victimized playing precog clone all xpac.
I didn’t play s2. Idc about s2. s2 was yesterday, s3 is right now.
Keep your trash arguement on point.
Thank you very much. Nothing should ever be taken seriously in this trash game. I just try to be a humble old man; I suck and can’t hit Elite in RSS.
This sounds like a convo that belongs on AF Discord
You know its as unplayable as hunters, despite playing for 1 season alone? To help shine your self-proposed victim status.
Done arguing with you, a 2100 duelist boomy doesn’t have a clue about Augmentation evoker, even your own spec is up for question.
I mean boomy was in the AWC Finals just last weekend and almost won mr. victim.
2100 boomy?
Or someone who’s been higher than your peak on every class in the game BARRING cheesevoker who’s strugglign to be relevant. in every bracket
Want the video too? Or do you want me to just start tossing out that you can only play a spec when it’s broken and barely get past your thresholds, whereas players like myself will play a spec in its worst conditions and still grind to the top of the ladder because we are good and do not rely on irrelevant gameplay to make ourselves feel better?
Crazier that you think I’m playing a boomy victim card, I will play this spec to the day I die, but I deliberately choose not to play it in this specific meta because of dog specs being so extremely unfun to play vs that I have no fun playing the game at all. Unlike you. Who whines and cries.
This is a game played for enjoyment and gratification, saying that something is bad design because it makes everybody else not have fun is perfectly valid (even if it doesn’t come with numbers and graphs).
i like how this guy makes an aug post and talks like it isnt the most toxic thing ever implemented into the game, then when the LITERAL rest of the playerbase says hes wrong, he just gets to flaming peoples xp
Because he’s a 2400 nobody who had to cheese his rating when a spec is broken and thinks he means anything.
Then tries to trash talk people who’ve been on top of the ladder for 9+ years LMAo
People sit here and defend trash like this guy. It’s wild.
Yup 2167 Duelist Boomy just like your profile shows. You are somehow “Better” when you dont have a Glad Mount from this season or last at the LEAST.
Again done arguing with you, you havent had a substantial message on this post yet.
I really think you should stop, friend.
Because most of the people here hating on the Aug with all due respect aren’t even good at Arena. They have no opinion of their own, and are just more or less echo chambers of their favorite streamers opinion on the issue.
The only reason I bring my rating up is credentials for my own viewpoint. Half the people here are lower rated LARPing like they are some Pros
Dude that’s super sick how I’m 2167 cr right now.
You know, and I’ve played a total of what, 30 games in the last 2 months because I’m tired of qing into DHs?
I didn’t play s2. I don’t intend to finish s3, having more fun on GW2 right now
Do you want to ignore my 9 years of being top 30 on the ladder on multiple specs? Inventing the meta comps half the time for WW comps. Or would you like me to throw out that, while I make dumb posts like fists parrying cheap shot, I was still 500 cr higher at my worst season than you are at your best cheese season
Keep fighting a losing battle. I can, and will, play your spec higher than you just to make a point. I’ve done it before, and will again.
ur trying to roast someone who has 2 r1s and 13 gladiators
Brother I am aure you feel bad for augmebtation but how many threads do you have to make and how many times do you have to read the same responses over and over and over again. People dont like aug, some even hate it. But we all can agree pvp is a little better when the spec is left behind to rot.
You are the aug god, si nothing will stop you from achieving your goals but thats it. We dont want aug to ever be mainstream OP again.
BuT i DiDnT gEt GlAd LaSt SeAsOn
Dog dragons lmao.
Sounds like every time you can’t do well in arena season, you’ll just flock back to Guild Wars 2 as your excuse. Even though you “aren’t playing” right now, you are commenting on this game’s forums within 1 hr of new changes being announced. Not very convincing.
You arent even good at the game now, not so sure why you are convinced you can be better than me at “Every Spec”. If I were you I’d work on your own spec!
And with all due respect I couldn’t care less about the past, idc how “good you use to be, but aren’t anymore”.
And hey if you have another bad season in Season 4, you can just comment on this game’s forums with all the new changes within the same hour and blame all your “Guild Wars 2” playing hahahahahahah
brother you doing that isnt the trap card you think it is, youre certainly no pro and your “credentials” arent impressing anyone whatsoever
Didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to talk to people who play the same game I love. Or the fact that I started GW2 a week ago?
I FULLY admit I’m trash right now. And even at my worst I’m still MILES above you in both skill and my ability to see past the BS you put out.
Like my guy, you are dying on a hill that isn’t even going up. Your highest glad was lower than my lowest AT my worst level of gameplay. How do you think you can seriously type to me? LMAO
The fact that you have to backtrack on yourself is wild to me. If you’re going to try and talk down to someone substantially better than you, you better get in a VC and start streaming your games so I can point out every mistake you make within the first 30 seconds that you don’t even understand. at my worst people still come to me for help because poeple like you have 0 concept of fundamentals