Ever since today’s patch, I have to log out and back in anytime I finish a quest or accept a new one or else the Map and Quest journal do not update and I cannot see the objectives for the new quest and the old, completed quest marker is still showing on the map. This is very annoying.
Im having the same issue… its dang irritating
ive repaired files, done the old rename certain folders… all to zero effect.
Having the same issue as well. When completing a quest and/or accepting a new one, the map as well as any highlighted NPCs/items/areas from the previous quest are not clearing.
To edit with a bit more info:
/reload does update all quest info, so this has to be done after completing and/or accepting a new quest to see it reflected anywhere in the world and map.
Accepting a new quest seems to revert back to the uncompleted phase of the previous quest.
well thats at least better than quitting each time. Thanks
Wife having same issues across multiple characters, while my account/chars seem fine. We went through multiple troubleshooting methods and tried a few console commands, nothing worked. Relogging and /reload updates everything as others have stated.
I am having the same issue. Started this morning. Link to my own report below. This seems to be the beginning of a fairly large issue. Please fix soon.
FWIW, same issue on several toons, also just today Sept 15
i have to /reload for quest updates…super not breaking the experience at all /s
Also been having this issues since this morning
i have the same problem…since Sept 14,all day and now with problem,good job Blizzard!.
I replied to another thread, and I too am having this issue. It’s really making my progress on Loremaster hard.
Having this issue as well. The mini map not updating after a quest is completed /started /phase change.
Couple this with not being able to open the main map (another unresolved bug that’s been happening the last month), as that often crashes the game, this has to be the most buggiest expansion I’ve ever played.
Hoping Blizz can get their act together and get a fix out, and hoping it’s not a sign of things to come with Wow into the future.
Thanks for the tip about the /reload, I’ll start doing that.
How do you submit a ticket? I’ve been trying for two days. Go through all the steps but when I click view my tickets, I get you have no tickets.
I am also affected by this issue, after a reload and completing the quest, Objective Tracking elements both on the minimap and on the quest overview on the right remain. Requires another reload for it to clear. Also seems some quest items wont appear in the world until it is reloaded.
I have been leveling most of my toons to 80, curious if several toons being leveld triggers this.
I am also in the same boat. I’ve done everything that I have looked up online to do, but with no success. Hopefully this gets addressed asap, its not very fun to have to reload after every quest.