Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Need a social media site or a streamer to post. Then they’ll take action.


Can confirm that this is happening to me as well. happened last week, and happened this week too. ill open a ticket with everyone else and hope this gets resolved.


For me I have the Archives and Delves quests in suggested content, but I can’t pick them up there or in person

https:// i.imgur .com/2oMtRiY.gif

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At this point, I’m interpreting the lack of any acknowledgement as some kind of passive-aggressive punishment for logging in “too early” after weekly maintenance.

“You should not have tried to log in, you saw the maintenance notice was still up. So you logged in and now your account is broken. Tough luck!”


That can’t be what it is, cause I didn’t log in until like 4 hours after maintenance was finished and almost missed my guild’s Black Temple run. :laughing:


Same over here, a lot of weeklies quests didn`t reset for me…


This would explain why I didn’t get an enchanting weekly quest on an alt. Everyone else has been good, however my enchanter did not receive the weekly quest. My main (hunter) was the first one logged in, but didn’t experience any issues to note.


Seems my main is yet another impacted by this issue. I’ve broken down the impact, as it pertains to me, below. The only thing I really care about is the lost profession knowledge as I was looking forward to maxing out some more profession nodes and there is no catch-up mechanic for professions (unless Patron orders, maybe?).

Profession Weekly Knowledge did not reset resulting in the following lost progression:

  • Enchanting - 9 points (The dust turn-in quest was the only thing available)
  • Tailoring - 7 points

Weekly Quests did not reset:

  • Theater Troupe
  • Awakening the Machine
  • Gearing up for Trouble
  • All 9 Large Lamplighter Keyflames

Weekly Caches did not reset, resulting in the following lost progression:

  • 4 keys from caches = 4 pieces of Champion gear from delves plus the potential for Heroic pieces from the bountiful maps

Account-wide Reputation claimed from Rares did not reset, resulting in the following lost progression:

  • 11 Hallowfall rares - 1650 Hallowfall Arathi Rep
  • 3 Azj-Kahet rares - 150 Severed Threads Sub-faction Rep
  • 6 Ringing Deeps rares - 900 Assembly of the Deeps Rep
  • 5 Isle of Dorn rares - 750 Council of Dornogal Rep

this right here is the issue all this stuff we are loosing and this is 2nd week this has happened

Profession Weekly Knowledge did not reset resulting in the following lost progression:

  • Enchanting - 9 points (The dust turn-in quest was the only thing available)
  • Tailoring - 7 points

Weekly Quests did not reset:

  • Theater Troupe
  • Awakening the Machine
  • Gearing up for Trouble
  • All 9 Large Lamplighter Keyflames

Weekly Caches did not reset, resulting in the following lost progression:

  • 4 keys from caches = 4 pieces of Champion gear from delves plus the potential for Heroic pieces from the bountiful maps

Account-wide Reputation claimed from Rares did not reset, resulting in the following lost progression:

  • 11 Hallowfall rares - 1650 Hallowfall Arathi Rep
  • 3 Azj-Kahet rares - 150 Severed Threads Sub-faction Rep
  • 6 Ringing Deeps rares - 900 Assembly of the Deeps Rep
  • 5 Isle of Dorn rares - 750 Council of Dornogal Rep

Chiming in to confirm that this happened to me for the first time this week, but it’s just as others have described described with the stark majority of weekly quests not being reset.


I can confirm this happened to me as well this week.

No Theatre Group reset
No awakening the machine reset
No Restored Coffer Key from the radiant cache in Hallowfall


Bump for continued hope Blizz actually gives af and compensates affected players.


i put in a ticket, got a bs automated response. so i replied to that response to get an actual GM, which again was as useless as the automated response. I was told they were not aware of this issue and marked my ticket resolved. Which again i replied back to that response and got another GM which was the most useless and just copy/pasted a BS response sending me to a link with there FAQ bs. At this point why even have a help ticket system if 1. you dont actually respond to anyone until they reply back to your automated bs. then 2, if you dont actually care and dont do anything to address/help the issue.
seeing how i’ve seen a multitude of forums post on there website with all these people having the same issues. how is your response to me that you are not aware of this issue and mark my ticket resolved… even if somehow you weren’t “aware” of the issue you are now and you would think they would be attempting to fix it…


Having the same issue this week on this character.

I am not able to:

  • Pick up the “Tailoring Services Requested” quest
  • Earn any profession knowledge from disenchanting. The Weekly Knowledge addon reports 6/6 even though I have received none this week.
  • Use my profession treatises.
  • Awakening the Machine / Gearing up for Trouble
  • I didn’t complete Troupe event last week but sounds like that would have bugged out too.
  • It appears the weekly caches from world activities are not giving me gear or coffer keys. I only completed Spreading the Light but all I received was reputation, 5 crests, 5 torches, and valorstones.

This is absurd.


zero keys received this weeks, almost no rep.


Also add in treatises not resetting, the loss of crafting progression for a week really hurts.


Same problem for me. No tailoring weekly, no theater troupe, no awakening the machine, no wax weekly, no rep from rare/elite rare mobs, no large key flame quests, no keys. Probably missing other things I don’t realize as well. Very disappointing. Big problem.

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same issue here


ten characters required

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Decided to chime in on this as well since i am missing some weekly quests as well as missing coffer keys form the caches that I could open this week, Looked for a good way to report this issue but everything seems to be a dead end at the moment.