Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

by raids do you mean normal or lfr?

Something needs to be fixed, but it’s not as predictable as you might think. I was like the 10th person to log in for my guild today, and it affected me, but no one else. I was on several minutes after everyone else.

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ALL raids i did none of them reset

Mine said they reset, I checked because I was already pissed at all thise, and wanted to see if I needed to sit out of raid with my guild. It said my lockouts expired, so I assume they’re reset, but now you have me thinking

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Patron profession orders have not reset - I only have the rank 3 requests I couldn’t fill last week on offer.

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Reposting in this thread for bumping/visibility!

Another one here, exactly the same issue. Logged onto my main (Seriza, Stormrage server) shortly after the servers came up after maintenance. I was unable to use treatises, and the weekly quests for the Theater, Awakening the Machine, and wax collecting are all unavailable. The entries for knowledge points in both my mining and herbalism professions also show 0 items left to collect this week, without having collected any.

While I haven’t opened any weekly caches yet, the other responses here lead me to believe that I won’t be getting any keys this week. This one hurts a lot - even with the eventful time delves had over the last week, I really enjoyed pushing to and beyond 8 in them and without access to the bountiful chests they will feel a lot less rewarding this week.

So far the alts seem unaffected, I’ve been able to pick up and complete the above weekly quests, find knowledge treasures, use treatises, and obtain keys from caches on all of my other characters. Maybe it’s tied to the top listed character in your warband? There was an odd moment while logging in with a message about updating my account for warbands, which I haven’t seen since the feature went live.

Hoping to see a fix for this, it’s pretty demoralizing to log in looking forward to stuff and not having it available due to a bug like this.


Same issues here as well.


Wow, glad I’m not alone. None of the weeklies save for like one reset, so I’m in the same boat.


One thing I have not seen here yet is that I did the 6 WQ’s and did not receive my fractured spark either, as well as being locked out on profession crafting quest (Alch) and not being able to do the Theater.


you wont thats weekly as well

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Another thing I’m missing is my Mythic 0 dungeon locks are still active
 I thought those were supposed to be daily!


My weekly quests didn’t reset, caches not giving keys/gear, awakening machine chests didn’t spawn when completing wave 20 (for the dornogal weekly, the kobold weeklies didn’t show up for me)


Having the same issue. This is a major bug why was this not addressed in the latest hotfix post? Weekly resets are part of the gameplay loop, what am I supposed to do now? I literally can’t play the game as I paid for.


same thing happened to me, bug ticket was responded to by AI saying that lost loot should go to my mailbox, that is obviously not the issue, i hate AI responses to complicated problems

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Warlock Sweet Souls talent has also been bugged since 11/28/2022 when DF released. Still cant get them to confirm that issue for 2 years.

my titan disc did not reset

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Torbik my 80 Warrior is bugged this week. My Alts are not.

  • Threater Troupe did not reset for weekly
  • Both Weekly quests from ‘Gnawbles" (Rollin’ Down in the Deeps & Gearing Up for Trouble) did not reset for weekly
  • I cannot use my weekly Treatise for trade skills this week

Notes: I finished the ENTIRE campaign, these weeklies worked just fine the last 2 weeks.


Today on this character:

  • Theater Troupe didn’t reset
  • Ringing Deeps weeklies didn’t reset
  • Crafting treatises didn’t reset
  • Rare kill rep didn’t reset
  • Coffer key chests did not contain coffer keys

Same thing happening over here, nothing has reset for me.


really wish a blue would post and stop ignoring all of us this is 2nd week and im sure itll happen again next week making 3 weeks in a row then a month and so on and so on

not to mention we are loosing REP bc of this as well