Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

This must not be affecting everyone. Everything reset for my 2 80’s.

alts are just fine it seems to only effect MAIN TOONS

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This just happened to my main toon as well. My main toon has no profession quests. All profession items are listed as gathered for the week. Weekly Theater quest didn’t reset, quests in Ringing Deeps for the wax and Awakening machine didn’t reset, etc. Can’t use treatises. Seriously, what is going on with this, eh? Some things did, reset, a lot didn’t. I’m kinda pissed- looks like from this thread, it’s been going on two weeks, and I have to look forward to literally no progress on my main this week and for coming weeks, and it’s making me just want to quit, given the other things recently Blizz hasn’t been able to fix.

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Didn’t affect my main. The system has no way to tell the difference anyway.

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played time lol game knows play time so yes it does

I am having the same issue. Weekly stuff has not reset. I just did the lesser keyflamewq in hallowfall, which awarded a radiant cache, there was no coffer key inside.


Unfortunately, Blizzard has known about this issue for well over a week and not only failed to provide a fix but failed to even acknowledge it. Had they at least done that, people might have known not to open caches yet (assuming they intend to fix).


This has also happened to me today. Some of my quests reset, but some haven’t. Cant use treatises, cant get my blacksmithing quest, theater and awakening reward nothing. It is only affecting the first character that I tried logging into, which of course, is my main…


MIGHT BE ONTO SOMETHING HERE! maybe next week ill log onto my altfirst then switch to main


There is no such thing as a “main” and an “alt” as far as the game is concerned. These are player made terms. Played time means nothing. People switch “mains” all the time.

I completed 2 caches today as well as the Awakening the machine. No keys or equipment from any of them.


game can detect first toon signed on and detect toon with most played time

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I think the idea was just to log on a different character first, a lot of people are saying it happened to the character they logged onto first after reset and that their other characters were unaffected.

Ok you’re just devolving into paranoid conspiracy theories now. There may have been a bug that caused quests to not reset for some characters. It has nothing to do with “mains” or “alts”. My “main” is fine (and was the first logged on) so your conspiracy theory has no weight.

i mean /played shows played time so game knows which toon has longest play time
game detects first toon you signed on to for the day soo there is that too…trying to see where you think this theroier is coming from when its in the game

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When I said main, I just meant the character that I play the most and the one that I wish it didn’t happen too.

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Or, more likely, it’s random in who it affects (and doesn’t seem very widespread). The other possibility is there was an issue very soon after maintenance that was fixed very quickly, and only people who logged on during that brief time were impacted.


considering this is week 2 of the issue…maint didnt fix anything, They need to issue EVERYONE 8 keys regardless if they where effect or not for this issue and issue sparks to everyone as well


Two weeks in a row? There are some people who were affected last week, but not this week. There are some affected this week, but not last week. There are some who have been affected both weeks. The common theme is people who log almost immediately after the servers come up and it seems to be the first character always.

At this point, it’s very much moving from random to a predictable pattern and there is a clear indication that something is seriously wrong here and needs to be fixed.


raids didnt reset either