Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Well this really sucks.


Under investigation doesn’t build confidence that we will ever have weeklies again. I had them 1 time on my account, now nothing. No Pacts, no professions, no awakening, just dead in the water.

This on top of having my guild bank cleared by another bug that is also getting 0 traction.


Crossing fingers here that our characters ‘reset’ today… and hopefully can get those keys we missed out on.

Alas they seem to not have - there are no ‘you have a week to do this’ quests (like from the dragon quest giver Therazal in the center of Valdrakken) for my under 80 toons. For an alt-friendly expac this seems very UNfriendly. My alts can do WQs, and side quests but not the weekly.

Logged in to no Theater Troupe, Awakened, or Profession weeklies. Still no fix for two weeks on my main. I have all these quests available on my alts. Being put behind with only automated responses…

I was thinking why is it mains cause the game doesn’t really know what character is your main… My working theory is that your weekly state gets screwed up if you login too quickly after reset - which most people login first on their mains.

Post if you logged in right after servers came up and have this issue.

My main is getting keys/caches this week. Haven’t checked alts. (still want my keys for last week)

Already did lol All the toons that are NOT 80 and did Call of the Worldsoul (weekly) before (as in since launch) cannot now do it again. The only alts I can get it on have NEVER done that quest prior to today. I have a lot of alts so it’s easy to follow this.
I know level 80s do a different weekly - so far I’ve only checked one but I’ll see if the other 80s can get theirs (this hasn’t been an issue for level 80s prior so I expect it to remain unchanged).
Edit - all my 80s can pick up the 2 offered weekly quests outside the Inn area with no issue

Same Here Lucablight-Zul;jin US

I am having the same issue. On my Demon Hunter, I can do all the weeklys. On my shaman, I cannot do the wax weekly, the awakening the machine weekly, the theatre weekly, or any of my profession weeklies. In addition, if open a resplendent or awakened chest, it only gives me currency and does not give me keys or gear.

Same, can’t get the caches, its acting as if I’m getting my 5th cache. No gear or delve keys. Can’t get theater troupe, awakening the machine, or wax quest. No profession knowledge drops either. Its like I’m stuck in last week’s lockout.

I got the weeklies and caches on my main this week. Still want the keys from last week tho. Sorry for you guys that didn’t get the quests this week too.

i cant believe blizzard wont even acknowledge this

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Exact same situation on my DK, ticket was absolutely zero help. Would be great if Blizzard would at least acknowledge that their game is broken for a bunch of people.

Anyone found a solution to this? Still no word from Blizz?

This is happening to my main character as well. I’m not able to get coffer keys despite yesterday’s reset. Troupe weekly isn’t available on this character, Awakening the Machine / 10 wax quest not appearing, did radiant cache in hallowfall and did not get a coffer key. Did ahj kahet pact 100% cache quest as well as the “epic quest” assignment only to get no coffer key from that either. So i’m down 4 keys + some other rewards due to this bug.

Exact same thing here, my main will be a full week behind. Same goes for my professions, since I don’t have a weekly knowledge quest, can’t get the weekly drops, and also no patron order reset.

None of the weeklies that gives coffer keys were reset, on this character specifically. Alts seems to be ok though…but would be nice to have it on my main lol :slight_smile:

This is actually just so depressing to read through. Just posting to bump and say I got hit with this too. What a bummer.

I also appear to have this problem, really frustrating to not get delve keys, loot boxes, or knowledge points.