Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Not 100% true. I have five or six sub-80 toons I’m just doing the weekly ‘do six world quests’ and the pledge your allegiance quest in AK where 5 WQs fills the bar. About half of them could pick up the weekly and the other half couldn’t yesterday, even though all of them did it last week. The only variable I can think of is possibly the ones that I couldn’t get it on yesterday did it after the WQ/soft reset that happens Friday evenings. I’ll have to see if it shows up for those toons Friday night.

I wanted to share a potential workaround for this bug I experienced last week. I’m not sure if it’ll help, but it worked for me this week.

Last week, I encountered the ‘World Server Down’ and ‘Character Already Exists’ error messages upon logging in, which prevented me from receiving my weekly rewards.

This week, I tried something different:

  1. I logged out of the game before the reset in Orgrimmar.

  2. I avoided logging in immediately after the reset.

  3. I waited a few minutes and logged in with my alts first.

  4. Only after confirming my alts could receive their weeklies did I log in with my main.

It seems to have worked, and I received my weekly rewards without issues.

Thought I’d share this in case it helps anyone else avoid the bug in the upcoming week."

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The idea that people who log on at reset because they are excited have gimped themselves should get blizz on this pronto.

Still no restoration of my 4 coffer keys.

No coffer keys from any normal source besides the shards either, Special Assignment along with quests not resetting gimps us at least 4 keys/week. How are we going to be reimbursed our 8 missing keys?


It sucks because this is probably my favorite expansion ever as someone whose played since classic.

This made the coffer key bug and the gimping of my toon hurt all the more. if I miss out on next week’s keys it might actually make me quit for good.

Why sub if my main is gimped?


It has been three weeks of these bugs occurring and Blizzard/Microsoft still has not fixed it.

Removed the option to make tickets on these, just submit bug reports. So there is no way for players that are being affected to get any compensation.

Instead devs seem to be focusing more on making micro-transactions items. It is really disappointing.

No blue post on any of the forum threads on these issues as well. It is becoming more and more apparent Blizzard is not actually concerned with any of these issues.


Article never went down or became unable to access it for me. Same with the text in it never changed.

that is because you didn’t try to access it during the maintenance.

Thank you someone actually coming up with a work around. Blizz has just abandoned honest genuine customer service. They saw the huge sub rates and are taking a break. LOL

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So – we agree we all gave up on trying to get a response on this , yeah?

I attempted tickets - I got some generic chat GPT answer that was talking about being Loot Locked and were unhelpful.

My question to Blizz is – I have attempted to fly around and see if I could get catch up Herb treasures to pop up and checked the Alchemy Patron orders daily – and have not seen any catch up’s at all.

Are we just out of luck and will be permanently however many weeks behind on our Profession Knowledge Points and Acuity due to this bug? Since the system has us I guess essentially flagged as having completed those for that week – we’re just not ever going to see those lost KP/Acuity?

I’m glad it was only a week – but its still a week worth of KP and Acuity that I’m behind and cant get. That I would very much like to get.

Another Week And It Is Still Broken.

Checked my three main characters, I am missing the Herbology, Alchemy, Tailoring, Enchanting, and Blacksmithing weeklies still.

Are we ever going to get a blue post on this? 5 days ago

despite this my weekly theater and awaking the machine did not reset this week. Quest tooltips says I completed them even though servers just came up from maintenance

I too have this bug where my weeklies did not reset including my profession weeklies. I am confused as to why this happened and what Im supposed to do in the meantime.

The weekly for the world quests hasnt reset for me either unless that in their wisdom they want people to do the “discs” quest which I refuse then this is a rant than anything else.

Same issue… weeklies did not reset on my main…

Weeklies didn’t reset for me either. This is probably the worst bug currently in the game.

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Me too. No weeklies for me… That’s bad!

2nd week in a row that the Faerin weekly did not reset for both of my lvl 80 characters.

My level 72 can pick it up (first time for her.)

Adding to the multitudes. Crafting weeklies did not reset, weekly treatises unable to be used after reset.