Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Same, frustrating, there is always something like this that happens that completely drains my will to keep playing…


Yeah, bugged for the first time for me (no issues last week).

I’m missing all of what has been mentioned above:

  1. Blacksmith Crafting Order Weekly
  2. Theater
  3. Machine
  4. Some chests seem to not be appearing; don’t even want to try and risk losing keys
  5. Wax
  6. Etc…

I just don’t understand why they are rolling out these buggy, untested hotfixes. It just exacerbates the situation to claim something is fixed when it is in fact not fixed, lol. Perhaps they have some process for determining how many subs they may lose for a given decision? Maybe it’s all a big PsyOp from Papa Microsoft? Who knows? Regardless of tinfoil hat, it would be nice to have correct hotfixes if they cannot be timely and correct.


I have all these same issues as well.

I logged into my main character right after the servers came up after maintenance and was unable to accept the same weekly quests. I also went and tested some older content and daily quests like Ogri’la had not reset either.

I have one new quest in Azj-Kahet and that’s the World Boss, that’s it.

I did not log on immediately after servers came up. I can get other weekly quests, but 3 rares did not reset their weekly Rep drops for me.

Edit: I killed those 3 on a different character last week and after logging onto that character they reset. Looks like some weekly quests don’t reset warband-wide.

i love how they never fixed this. still down 4 coffer keys

The call of the worldsoul quest also didn’t trigger for my main this week as well. Not sure yet if the others are affected but seriously, the more Blizz “Fixes” the more they’re breaking.

Having the same problem with all of the toons i did the weekly on last week. Reset day and no weekly quest to be had. upsetting

That specific quest isn’t up this week. Instead it was replaced with one for getting 100 titan fragments.

I’m actually getting the same too. Specifically, the Shadowlands weeklies like collect 1k anima or the complete the bar quest in Zenith Mortis. I did both last week, not available now.

They removed the access to article:

which means they are going to update it.

Hopefully this maintenance fix that issue and we get our quests today :pray:

I have exactly the same situation. Each time these sort of issues occur I ask myself what have I done wrong, what am I missing here. You’d think that after playing for twenty years I’d just chock it up to more Blizzard “fixes” that break things and simply wait for the fix to the fix, to the fix, to the fix etc…

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It’s available for under 80s IF (big IF) they didn’t do it last week. That quest should basically always be up for under 80 toons the same way it was for under 70s in DF - but it’s not. I can pick it up on my under 80s if they didn’t do it last week but if I DID do it last week it’s not showing up. At 80 the weekly meta changes to other rotations (sometimes including that quest, sometimes not) but under 80, best of luck.

??? i can still access it

It is back online, it was showing an error earlier when accessing it.
They haven’t changed any statement… so for them this is a resolved issue.

Would be nice to hear from someone.

In 20 years this is the very first time I’ve had weekly quests not reset for me.

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This has happened to me for the weekly profession quests as well (this week, so the issue is still not fixed). It also happened to a friend for 3 weeks. The maintenance today did not fix the problem.

They unremoved access, and the article is unchanged from a week ago, so I don’t think it went down the way you thought it would.

I point out the article says “next weekly reset”, which means it could never be fixed because it’ll always be next week. :rofl:

Which was this Tuesday.

Now we have more people affected by this bug and yet not resolved.

No, it still says “next weekly reset”, which would be next Tuesday… until next Tuesday, at which point it becomes the Tuesday after next… and so on.

Obviously, I’m joking. I hope.

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yeah this isnt resolved clearly tho really disappointed in blizzard the real blizzard would never have let something like this go live

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