Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

I have an odd problem here. On my main, Baalance (Earthen Ring), I finished a number of weekly quests last week (all were finished on or prior to Monday, September 2nd).

When maintenance was completed today and I logged in after 1100EDT, I was unable to retrieve a number of weekly quests.

I killed my addons and did check on other toons.

Below is what I have found (I’m not sure all of these events actually have weekly quests associated with them, but I know the Theater Troupe does and it’s definitely missing, as are the profession related ones):

Did Reset (quest available):
PVP, Spreading the Light, Small Wayflames in Spreading the light

Did Not Reset (no quest available):
Crafting Profession Quests, Crafting Profession Work Order Quests, “The Call of the Worldsoul”, Large Wayflames in Spreading the Light, “The Theater Troupe”

Awakening the Machine


Edit and move this to the bug reports.


Similar situation here.

In my case “The Call of the Worldsoul” did not reset for any toon that completed it last week. I cannot change who my Pact is with in Azj-Kahet.

Everything else appears to have reset.


Edit - my alts can’t do the weekly quest for the crafting spark thing, but my main was able to collect the 100 disc fragments. Weird.


Call of the Worldsoul is not available to my toons who did it last week (it is available to those who did NOT do it last week), same with the Theater quest (did that on a few alts so that one is ouch). Haven’t tried the Lamplighter one (light 3 braziers) but reading this thread I’m not hopeful.
Edit to add - also cannot switch Pacts at the Weaver.


I have two characters that are not getting the [ The Call of the Worldsoul] quest this week. Both are 70 and completed it last week. I have a 3rd 70 that did get offered the quest this week despite doing it last week.

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Same here for alts

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I have the same problem on my main. I can see and get the quests on alts, but no weekly on main.


I want to throw in here myself and a few guildies noticed that certain rares were not giving us rep for the first time killed this week, while others were. The same rares that didn’t give myself and another guildy rep, gave two other guildies in the same group rep.

Call of the Worldsoul rotates with the disc fragment weekly that came up today, so you won’t ever see both up at once. They award the same box which gives a fractured spark.


Don’t think it is as simple as that.

  • Level 80 did Worldsoul last week, has disc fragment quest this week.
  • One 72 and one 75 that did Worldsoul last week, have no weekly quest this week, not Worldsoul or disc fragment.
  • One 70 that didn’t do Worldsoul last week but has it available this week.

Something is borked.


The Call of the Worldsoul, and Profession Weekly did not reset for me. I run the script from WoWHead ‘/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(82449))’ to see if The Call of the Worldsoul is already complete, and it returns a false value.

EDIT: I noticed on WoWhead that Archives: The First Disc replaces this the Call of the Worldsoul for this week it seems? Still no idea why my Alchemy Quest wasn’t reset this week

Yes - my main took the disc fragment one but my alts who aren’t 80 and completed world soul last week cannot get anything.

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Same for me. The Hallowfall brazier quests, the collect 10 wax, and Awakening the machine are the only weeklies reset.

I thought something was odd. I’ve checked a number of alts, and all of them including my main cannot see the weekly ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’

The only weekly quests I found in the capital city were the dungeon one for L80’s, and the gathers weeklies. The zone weeklies were fine.

Any updates? I sent a ticket yesterday but no answer so far.

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Sounds like the bug with this specifically might be that the disc fragment weekly isn’t available below 80. I also can’t see it on any alts except my 80 mage, regardless of whether they did Worldsoul or not.

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Would not be great to lose out on the fractured spark this week.

My main can’t get caches from events so can’t get keys. My alt is doing everything fine.

I’d sure like to get my keys for the week please.

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