"Many of these abilities have fallen behind naturally...."

Discussing Racial updates in the patch notes this cracked me up:

“Many of these abilities have fallen behind naturally within the game’s ecosystem…”

Um… lol

Some of these were NEVER on par with others and have always sucked. What are you talking about? lol

Way more work is needed, I hope this isn’t it.


It’s hard to bring most racial abilities to the power level of, say, stoneform or meld.


Needs to be removed. Most OP racial in the game. Completely broken and unfair.

One of my mains are a Nelf. I’m not hating just being real.

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never gonna happen.

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None of this should be nerfed or removed. Buff other racials or rework them.

I’m tired of this “omg this is actually good? Nerf it!” mentality. It’s the source of 99% of the problems in this game.

Stop nerfing. Buff other stuff, don’t nerf. Virtually every spec has a few tiers or even a few expansions where they were extremely OP. Those versions of every spec should be kept around. When classes or abilities or specs are OP they are FUN, they shouldn’t be nerfed, other specs/abilities/classes/whatever should be buffed to be brought up into line with them. If everything is too strong then aura nerf the numbers, but never the functionality.

Meld and Stoneform are what racials SHOULD be.


I don’t know if the stats actually bear this out, but I heard a month or two ago that above 1800 rating, Night Elves by themselves outnumbered all Horde races combined. That’s a pretty crazy statistic if it’s true. (Though with MMR inflation, maybe that would change to everything above 1900 now since the time I heard it? Not sure).

I think in PvE the racials tend not to matter too much to players, even when there’s one race with a clear, minor advantage. Even with mythic raiders, very few people feel compelled to switch races. And among people doing M+, it tends not to matter until you get well past +10’s, at which point only a sliver of people are even engaged because the only real reward above that is the title, which is incredibly rare.

It’s always the PvP side, and really mainly on the rated side, where I tend to hear about people switching races.


Unless the other racials are as strong as feign death/vanish.

Remove it. Broken. Forces a lot of M+ pushers to go Nelf or bust.

Thanks for joining my TED talk.

Yes it is, and the fact that Blizz sees these stats and think it is okay is pretty ridiculous tbh.

no. remove mythic+


Nerf it mentality is toxic, and it’s why the game is worse now, and keeps getting worse.


Countered immediately with a basic aoe attack lol


The problem with shadowmeld isn’t that it stealths you, it’s that it drops abilities and many bosses won’t recast them.

So… lol

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The reason people ask for nerfs, is that they know that Blizzard won’t buff the other racials to the level of Stoneform or Shadowmeld.

They simply won’t.

Can you imagine the egg all over Blizzard’s face if they had to put in the massive changes to buff the other TWENTY-ONE races’ racials up to that level?

They’d be the laughing stock of the game industry. They’ll never do it.

Far more plausible to ask for nerfs to the problematic ones, instead.

nah op statement is pure 100% remove everything i dont like mentality. ultra omega toxic.

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You can nerf / buff things when it comes to numbers. But stuff like meld and stoneform aren’t being used for numbers, they’re being used because they remove or completely counter mechanics.

Maybe it would be better if racials just didn’t remove / completely counter mechanics?

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This is a made up problem in your head.

You do not do M+ at all.

Getting through to them is pointless, they have made up their mind.


there is nothing wrong with shadowmeld.


… game breaking and gameplay warping to the degree that the question isn’t “what race do you want to play” but rather “in what way do you want to break the game” … ?

No, Meld and Stoneform is as pushed as they can be. It doesn’t mean that they can’t be it, but they are DEFINITELY not at the level of what racials in general are supposed to be.

Meanwhile my Lightforged can fire a laser every 3 minutes, and can summon an anvil.

Yeah, not all racials were created equal lmao.

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I remember looking at the Mag’har ones and just rolling my eyes. Their ancestor one should just be like the Zandalari’s Loa choice. Choose your clan, get X thing. Instead of that they chose “it’ll be a random secondary”, idk what it is supposed to be once changed (read the changes a while back just don’t remember any of them) but it should just be like the Zandalari.

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Personally I think we should just go back to vanilla level broken racials and let everyone be OP

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