"Many of these abilities have fallen behind naturally...."

I dunno OP, Gift of the Naaru has saved my keister a BOAT load of times.

:thinking: I might agree with this. Add back in the “weapon skill bonuses”, and make them increase dmg with X weapon.

So way back in the day, I’m pretty sure Shadowmeld only worked out of combat. So you could cloak and go afk on a PvP server or hide while in a battleground. I don’t remember when or why they made it usable in combat but I’m 99% sure it didn’t start out that way.

And I’m not saying nerf it, but we shouldn’t be forced to choose a race because it’s so much better than the others. The racials are supposed to be about flavor more than raw power. Human racials used to be OP but now they’re borderline useless. We just need to figure out some kind of reasonable balance.

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That is correct. For some reason I also remember not being able to use it and move…but maybe i’m thinking of something else.

Maybe that is the problem, it has no character flaws, complete Mary Sue

It was in Wrath of the Lich King.

Easy nerf/rework:


I have to agree.

Asking to nerf defensive racials shows me that a lot of people have bigger issues to worry about.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I think all racials should just be disabled in rated pvp… in pve it’s not that big of a deal other than when the sweatlords use them to skip stuff in M+ tournament or whatever.


So lets nerf the ones that are situationally useful? Might as well just remove all of them and forget about them if the goal is to just make them all useless.


I find it ironically funny when peeps try & suggest that those are both apparently subpar racials & that the Horde are the ones who actually have the most overpowered racials “without equal” lol

Reasonable and an easy fix.

Now do Stoneform.

just disable them in mythics then the mythic + sallys will stop their crying. oh who am i kidding theyll just find something else to whine about.

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I like the void elf racial now. I did before, but now that spatial rift actually moves faster than just running it’s much more useful as a movement ability.


Voidelf cheap transmog for the win!! :slight_smile:

we also got the teleport thing that can be a bit useless cuz of cast time. I haven’t found many times I can use it without falling off a platform or other things like that

the no spell knock back seems to help

The honest, but sad, solution for this would be to only allow racials to work in the overworld, but not instanced content.

That way, PvP, M+, Raiding- your racials wouldn’t make or break it.

Especially the ones where you remove debuffs- those are pretty much free cheese in a lot of situations, especially PvP.

Playing Dark Iron legitimately felt unfair to me, I always played the races with generally trash racials, so it felt like a vast power gain.

Fighting a Warlock or a Rogue? LOL all your DoTs are gone, and I get stronger for each one on me. Have fun doing your whole rotation again before you die to me, heh.

Or even using it to get rid of a Monk’s Touch of Karma- it’s nuts.

But, again, it’d be another RPG aspect that we’d lose for the sake of balance.

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bruh, it is a worse version of Vanish.
it is not half as OP as you wish.
Especially when half the classes in the game can do something similar.

it isn’t better, and back then you could eat and stuff with meld, nor did it have a 2 minute cd.
Now, it has a 2 min cd, usable in combat, but can’t do anything else without breaking.
The original version was a lot more OP in the long run.

ya’ll crying about this just don’t know how to play the game properly, yes, yes “how dare I say that.” to people who have probably been here for 20 years.
but here’s the thing, someone can have the most OP stealth ability in the game and it wouldn’t mean anything if they didn’t know how to use it.
In other words, having it or not doesn’t matter, it is solely the players SKILL that allows it to be effective.

Yeah, I think some people are stuck in the past. Horde haven’t been good since, like, mop, which was over a decade ago. Right now it’s better to be Alliance for PVE and PVP. :dracthyr_sweat:

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Night Elves make up roughly 1/3 of the PvP playerbase. And along with Dwarves, are completely dominating M+ as well. Why? Because everyone just love Night Elves (and Dwarves) so much?

Blood Elves are the most played race in the game, but in high level PvP Night Elves representation is 1200% of Blood Elves. And no I didn’t mistakingly add an extra zero there. 1200%. Even the second and third most represented races, Orcs and Humans, combined only make up 2/3 of Night Elves numbers.

What? Having it doesn’t matter because player skill allows it to be effective? Yeah okay. What happens when you have two players of the same skill, playing the same class/spec, but different races? The Night Elf player have a substantial advantage.

no they don’t.
because if you can’t counter meld, then you are not as skilled as you wish to believe since half the classes in the game have similar abilities that effectively do the same thing. Hell, pally’s become immune to damage altogether with one click of a spell.
Basically, if you are being hard-countered by a worse version of Vanish, you aren’t as good of a player as you think you are.


says someone who has completely made up their mind kek