Many druids botting

Blizzard PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something about the many druids botting all over the place, it makes it very hard for those of us that are farming the right way it is sickening how many there are right now and if I report them I get booted offline not sure the deal with that either. thank you


Navianna PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE right-click as many as you can and report them for cheating so that Blizzard is made aware of them and can eventually take action.

And please encourage your friends to do the very same.

There are no bolts of lightning cast from the heavens to instantly smite them, Blizzard builds a case and bans a great many of them at once. If people stopped buying them they wouldn’t be around, but that will not happen for a long, long time to come.

As for getting disconnected when reporting, that’s usually an interface problem. Next time it happens, I’d suggest a UI reset.


ok I will do that thank you

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The vast majority of bots are gold sellers on stolen accounts. Even if they were banned instantly it wouldn’t matter, they would be back seconds later on a different stolen account. This is a multi billion dollar criminal enterprise, it’s not just a couple bored kids in mom’s basement. These organizations typically have tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of stolen accounts ready to go at any given time.

Also, botting is the LAST thing they use the accounts for after they’re done stripping them of anything of value. They don’t care about the accounts, they expect them to be banned, the botting is just something they do to get a “little extra” after they’ve already stripped them.


If it continues to happen after a UI reset, please be sure to submit a bug report through the in-game interface. This is one of those issues that we see reports on but we’ve not been able to reproduce it. If it is on our side, the more reports from folks the better so we can track it down.


Another one of the disconnect bots. You report someone who is not CLEARLY botting, and the report goes through. You report a herbalism druid bot, and BAM you’re gone. How can it be this hard to deal with these bots? Is it a 110 druid? Does it only do herablism? Take a look!

Blizzard tells us to report these players, yet can’t seem to figure out that a disconnect keeps happening. ANY blizzard employee can LOG ON TO LIVE SERVERS, run the Riverbud, Sirens pollen, Star moss and Sea stalk circle around Tiragarde. I’m sure everyone knows where this is. You will see multiple bots within minutes, report them, and you can see the issue your self.

In my experience, when reporting someone for cheating, if I lose target on them it will disconnect me every time. If you report fast enough and don’t lose target, it should not disconnect you.

While that may be your belief, it’s not exactly accurate. Blizzard GMs do not go after bots. They have a whole team dedicated just for bots. It may seem like a black and white thing to you as it does to many gamers, it’s really much more complicated.

Blizz much prefers to try and break the botting program instead of trying to get them one at a time. They have many techniques to do so including monitoring realms, player reports and even keeping tabs on what’s running when you play wow.

Every time they break a bot, the botters change the code and the challenge starts over.

Lastly, if you’re being disconnected, please be sure to report it in the bug report forums. You can also send an e-mail to


You’re looking for the whack-a-mole approach. It doesn’t work. Blizzard has been at this a very long time. Even before WoW. D2 was infested. They’ve learned a lot in 18 or so years. Use the tools given or the hacks email. Posting here will accomplish naught.


Reset your UI. Resetting the WoW User Interface - Blizzard Support
Even if you don’t use add-ons. Most of the time, if you are disconnecting when reporting, it’s an issue with add-ons or your cache.

If you are still getting disconnected, report the disconnection using the in-game report option on the Help menu, or report it in the Bug Report forum.

GMs logging in to the game to observe things is the most inefficient method to investigate bots. Activities players perceive as botting could have other causes or explanations. Seeing something that looks like botting doesn’t make it botting. That is why they want you to right-click and report them that way. The report automatically makes a ticket that includes the needed log files for the investigation.

Blizzard does not do whack-a-mole removal of bots. That method would allow bot makers to update their software daily to bypass any security Blizzard enables. Blizzard normally bans in waves. The waves would include accounts using a variety of botting software if possible to help hide what allowed Blizzard to detect them.

Blizzard is not just going to take your word that someone is botting. They will investigate and that takes time. It’s not going to happen in a few days or even a few weeks. You wouldn’t want to be banned just because someone reported you for botting and you didn’t bot at all. Blizzard needs to determine how the bot is avoiding detection and what exploits it is using, then patch the exploits. They also have to determine if the patch breaks usability for legitimate players. That is why it seems like things go on for a long time with Blizzard not appearing to do anything. A lot of work is done in the background before something visible happens.


This has been a known issue on Thunder Isle for months if not longer. I have reported many of these BOTs. Usually it is 2 groups of 4 boomkins at a time running for days straight. How about retune the respawn rate of the mobs in this area to make it not attractive. It’s obvious that the majority of the toons Botting are trial characters.

Feedback and suggestions on this should go in the General Discussion forum or using the in-game option on the Help Menu. The Devs don’t take feedback or suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs here are not liaisons with them.


At 120, they’re not trial. They’re usually from stolen accounts. Report and move on, there’s nothing more to say about it


They are 100 and 101.

Trial accounts cap at level 20.

Legion the free game, with paid game time caps at 20. True trial accounts have a level 20 cap, and a gold cap to boot, so would not be that attractive to farm with. These would be upgraded accounts, likely using stolen credit card numbers, likely from the same people who had bought gold in the past from these criminals. Usually those accounts get closed pretty quickly though, as the card purchases are declined. That does not mean that other accounts are not getting hacked either. These accounts get shut down all the time, and there is a whole team in the hacks department who investigate the reports as they can, and develop means to shut down the bot software as well.


Throne of Thunder, same spot, same map path. I try and report them as I see them but the DC after reporting each one gets cumbersome, especially when most of them are named like “kajsbfdkajbsfa.”


Why does the spelling of their name matter? Right-click>report player for>cheating then a brief description of what they are doing. None of it requires you to enter their name.

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The sad part is it doesn’t really matter if you report them or not. They’re not going to be removed for a long time. That is blizzards stance unless it has changed the last few years? In other mmos if you were to report a bot(an actual bot) they’d be dealt with within a day or two at most.

The bots have been ferocious this expansion. You could see countless of level 110 druids running around farming herbs in zones like Drustvar/Tiris. There are probably less bots now that the prices have dropped quite a bit but that just means they’re elsewhere.