Many different classes LF Raiding guild in SL

Hello! I will try to keep this short.

I am currently looking for a raiding guild to join in SL! I currently have a DK, Lock, Pally, DH, Hunter, Warrior, and Monk. I mainly raided and mained my Lock and DH during BfA, but I have played all the other classes just as much doing PvP as well as Keys with them. I have done up to Illgynoth Mythic before taking a break (Had lots of personal stuff to take care of so I needed a break to take care of those things). Now that Shadowlands is close to coming out (I hope so) I am looking for a permanent home to progress through the future content with!

I don’t mind maining any character though I am more experienced playing Lock, DK, Warrior, DH, and Hunter! My Monk and Pally I have only done a couple keys.

I have tanked with my DK and Warrior in previous expansions, but not in BfA, but I am open to tanking again if need be or being an off-tank as well.

I am willing to faction change as well as server change. Though, I prefer West Coast Servers!

You can add my Bnet at Razed#1594 or my discord elohels(Avjgjoe)#2310 and we can chat!

Looking for the right home and willing to commit.

Thank you! Look forward to meeting and talking to new people to find the right home for me!

PS (Looking for a serious raiding guild for SL).

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Hey Joe. We were a 2 night a week (Monday Wednesday) 9-midnight [Central standard time] raiding guild looking to bolster our roster going into SL to push more into mythics. Would love to have you along on a DPS compadre! Whichever one you love playing the most (If I must choose then I’d say DK then hunter.)

If we are even a fit. Let me know!

Hey there, if our times work and we sound like what you’re looking for we would love to have a Lock or a Hunter to finish off our roster! I see you got a bit further than we did during Nya’lotha so I’m assuming you’re looking for something a bit more hardcore but I still wanted to leave this here just incase. :slightly_smiling_face:

We’re a semi-hardcore guild on Alliance Turalyon that raids Tues/Weds from 8-11 pm EST, if you’re looking for a hardcore CE guild we aren’t that however we like to have a nice chill raid environment while getting serious when needed. We’re a bit quiet atm due to people waiting on Shadowlands but we’re a pretty active guild when there’s stuff to do!

I’ll leave our additional info below but if you’re interested then please fill out a short app on our guild site that’ll be linked in our info, hope to hear from you!

Info: [A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!
Gm btag: Wandappy#1921

Hey Avgjoe.

“Libertas” is an Alliance Mythic raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-12am EST. We are currently seeking experienced Mythic raiders to bolster our mythic raid team and push CE in Shadowlands.

We aim to maintain a team of 24-26 players with a weekly rotation. This allows us to have coverage for people that can’t make a raid night due to IRL and allows everyone to progress and participate fully without having a typical “bench.”

Our guild was formed in 2010 and has focused on hardmode/mythic content ever since. We pride ourselves on maintaining a drama-free, fair and respectful raid environment.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we encourage you to fill out an application on our website @ and our GM will get in contact with you to see if it is a good fit.

Thank you for your consideration and best of luck in the guild search!


Hey there!

[Pack Mentality] [A] [Stormrage] is recruiting for Shadowlands! We’re an AOTC guild, however, we’re shifting our sights towards mythic progression for the coming expansion. We plan on completing heroic before moving into mythic, at which point we will be continuing heroic runs on Saturday nights as farm/alt runs. We are aiming to clear all mythic raids while they are current content. We raid Thursday and Friday nights, 9 – 11 p.m. server and 9 – 12p.m. server, respectively. Server time zone is EST.

We have the bones of a fantastic raid team, but we would like to bring a few more cats into the fold to round out our capabilities. We are looking for healers and DPS, and at least one player who can swap between those two roles. There are a few specific classes/specs we’d like to pick up, however, all should feel free to apply. Spots on the mythic team will be determined through heroic progression, where we will be watching for players who consistently show up, perform well, and have a good attitude. The classes and specs we are most interested are as follows – Monk (WW), Priest (Disc/Shadow), Mage (Frost > Arcane), Paladin (Holy/Ret) and Rogue (Sub > Outlaw).

We are a fun-loving and friendly bunch, mostly between the ages of 25 and 35. Though we take raiding seriously, we aim to maintain an atmosphere of fun and inclusion for everyone. We push mythic keys, we have a few PvP’ers, and we run a lot of legacy content for mounts, mogs, etc. We don’t tolerate any sort of rude behavior, hate, exclusion, or prejudice.

We have a solid handful of people on break right now until the pre-patch questing starts / until shadowlands releases, but under normal circumstances we’re a very active guild!

If you’re looking for a new home for Shadowlands, send myself, or one of the other officers listed at the bottom of this reply a tell, and let’s talk!

xxvii#11663 (me) – KristovChaos#1801 – truealpha#1270

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday & Thursday : 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
*Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

*Sat & Sun are for sale runs as well as casual alt and achievement runs for those who want to participate. These are also subject to change based on availability

Recruitment Needs :

  • Tank: High Priority
  • Healer: High Priority
  • Melee DPS: High Priority
  • Range DPS: High Priority
    If your class is a low priority on recruitment do not be discouraged in applying or contacting someone in the Guild. Anyone who is exceptional at their class will be noticed and offered a chance at a core raiding position.

About Us! :
<Swank> is a two day progression guild on Mal’ganis - a competitive, high population Horde server located on the Chicago data center. We strive to push progression on a light schedule (8 hours per week, 4 hours per night), and our goal is to be a leading force for end game, becoming a top guild on Mal’ganis. We’re in search of like-minded players, who are willing to push themselves to achieve this goal on a two day a week schedule.

We don’t expect perfection, but we do expect a high level of class mastery, encounter knowledge, and mechanical execution. This requires preparation through proper itemization, talent choice, consumable use, and encounter research. Furthermore, we like versatile players who can competently play multiple classes and multiple roles; this indicates a well-rounded understanding of the game.

Moreover, we value players who are respectful of other raiders’ time. Having fun and raiding are not mutually exclusive, but progression requires focus and optimal time management. With 8 hours of raiding per week, it’s paramount that raiders come to raid with knowledge of progression encounters. When you optimize your own play, you optimize the guild’s play.

We understand that mistakes are part of the learning process; however, we do not tolerate people continually making the same errors. We need raiders to adapt quickly to situations and learn from the mistakes they and others make. We emphasize teamwork and openness to constructive criticism. Raiders are encouraged to bring issues (with strategy or other players) to the attention of officers.

Expectations :

  • If information is available, study current and future progression fights.
  • Treat people inside of the guild and outside with respect.
  • Respect the time people dedicate to raids.
  • Be able to adapt quickly to changes in strategies or mistakes.
  • Bring a positive attitude and be able to take constructive criticism, as well as give your own if needed.
  • The ability to communicate is a must: having a working microphone is a requirement.
  • Be an active Mythic + participant as this is an easy way to get gear.
  • Have the motivation to constantly get better and push yourself, study logs to try to improve your performance and raid contribution.
  • Understand that we hold competitive positions, and continued performance issues will result in a re-trial or removal of a players raid spot.

How to Apply! :

Contacts :
GM : Kylore (Bnet: GoblinSmithy#1769 | Discord: GoblinSmithy#3846)

Hey Avgjoe, I’ve got spots for your guys. Game Over on Proudmoore alliance has multiple 12/12m teams, and we’re adding another for SL. Need all roles, especially dps.

Raid Tuesday and Thursday from 9e to midnight.

Illidan isn’t a west coast server, so I’m not sure if these times would work for you but I figured I’d let you know about us anyway :slight_smile:

Phasers On Stun
We were created half way through 8.3 and got 10/12m this tier. We’ve decided to add a second raid team, and we’re looking to fill a couple spots in the weekend team as well. In addition to raid spots, we’re also actively looking for people to do more m+ with us (especially tanks/healers).

Weekend group: 12pm-4pm central time on Saturday Sunday (weekend afternoons). 10/12m looking for ranged DPS and healers.
Weeknight group: 5-8pm central time, Wednesday and Thursday. New for SL. Looking for all roles.
Friday night heroic (very optional) 8-11pm central time.

Rules & Information:
Age limit - We do not want players under 18, most of the guild is in their mid 20s to mid 30s.
Loot - RCLootCouncil. You keep BoP upgrades for your mainspec. BoEs go to the guild bank always.
Attendance - needs to be above 80% within any rolling 3 month average. Absences need to be posted in discord in advance. Not the place for you if your work schedule is crazy, or you often need to AFK.
Roster size - we run a roster of around 25. 5 people sit for every fight. It rotates on a per boss basis in an attempt to get everyone the loot they need. Know that you will sit sometimes.
Guild bank - takes all BoEs & provides food, flasks, prepots, repairs, etc.
Civility - We won’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or just generally being a horrible person. First offense gets you removed for any of this.

The ultimate goal of this guild is to build a mythic team capable of getting CE. I don’t have any interest in being top 100, top 500, or anything like that; however I would like to get there eventually. We’re definitely not going to sacrifice being decent human beings or having fun to get there though.


Discord: brandy#9982 brandy#1599

Hi Joe,

We are looking for a WW monk if you’re interested in playing that. I will drop the copy pasta below, including contact info:

Its Mine I Licked It (US-Stormrage- Alliance) is recruiting for semi-hardcore raiding in Shadowlands!

Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members have played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and we have all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.

However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.

In Shadowlands, we will clear Mythic Raid content as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.

The raid schedule is TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 EST – 11 US Eastern time. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.

Our primary needs are as follows:

Melee DPS – Monk.

Ranged DPS – Open.

Healer- Hybrid DPS/Healer willing to swap based on needs

However, we will always consider exceptional players who are the right fit – we have several members who are flexible in their roles. If we can accommodate you, we will!

If you are interested in raiding with us, please add Abberation (Moophisto#11601), Lyssan (Lyssan#1884), or Fuzzii (Fuzzii#1197) on Bnet to set up an interview time.

Hey Avgjoe!

I would really love to talk to you about Illicit on Proudmoore. We’re a social-raiding guild with 3 separate raid teams all at different levels. You sound like you would be a great fit for our CE-focused team, Team Apollo.

I am not going to post some generic spam like these folks, and I don’t come from a feeder guild like others with multiple 12/12m teams, where everything the guild does feeds our a raid team. Our CE team is the only one in our guild, so we recruit for it separately from the guild’s normal activity. We are a simple community of players that value skill and friendship :slight_smile:

Please feel free to reach out to me on bnet and we can def talk more! Bnet: Ryry#11575

If you’d like to know more about us outside of that check out our forum post, I am also happy to invite you to our Discord to see where it all happens :slight_smile: [A] < Illicit > [8/10M] Recruiting Raiders for CE Push! Healer Needed! - #217 by Coldjunk-proudmoore

Bumping Still Looking! Any Late Night guilds Again willing to transfer any character or main any character for SL. Looking for some Late night options! Or early weekend! Add my Bnet which is posted up top or my Discord!

Well, let me know if you are still looking. Since this post was bumped by you around 19 hours ago, that was when we were suppose to be interviewing in discord. Let me know if you are still Guild searching or if you just nocall noshowed.


Crimson Brotherhood is looking to add some quality folks to our expanding roster headed into SL. check us out!


Sanctimonious of Sargeras server is accepting all exceptional players! We are opening our recruiting ranks in anticipation of Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore guild that raids two days a week. We are currently using loot council paired with the RCLootCouncil addon. Qualities that we look for in raiders include being committed, non toxic, and mature.

Raid Times:

  • Tues-Thurs Mythic 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME.
  • Monday Alt raid (Optional) 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME

Our raid progression in BFA is listed as follows:

  • Ny’alotha - 12/12 Mythic
  • Eternal Palace - 7/8 Mythic
  • Dazar’alor - 9/9 Mythic
  • Uldir - 7/8 Mythic

If you are interested, please go to our website and fill out our application here!

Website → Guildsofwow .com /sanctimonious

This is my Discord for Direct contact: Sophieann#2492

ask for a serious raiding guild and you shall receive!

Looking for some later times such as 8 PST or 12am EST some late night options will be great! Or Early morning Weekends! Let me know! Add me on Bnet or Discord! Thanks to everyone :slight_smile:

Hi Avgjoe!
Dysfunctional Misfits (bleeding hollow - horde) is looking for some range dps to round out their core group for SL!
We are a mature game community, as we play WoW but also other games, like ARK, CoD, Minecraft, and other games.
We are currently raiding heroic Nya, but intend to go into mythic raiding in SL.
We raid on Saturday and Sunday, 6-9pm Eastern.
If that sounds like something you might be interested in, feel free to add me on Bnet Blackwave#1217

[H] Divine - Tichondrius - 5/12M
Friday/Saturday 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Semi hardcore looking for like minded players to push CE pretty seriously in shadowlands. We are an adult guild that does like to enjoy raiding. Recruiting 1 Tank, Warlock//Boomy/Shadow/DH

BTag: Tyrue#1545
Discord: Tyrue#1556

Hey Avgjoe! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our roster (Dps and Healers)

OB are going ham come Shadowlands and will have groups for leveling, and mythics to gear out quick and get ahead fast and efficiently.
We plan to jump right into heroic come its release. If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us! or leave a message on this post and we will contact you!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Looking to make a choice soon! Anymore Early morning weekend or Late night raiding guilds! Open to playing almost any class!