Then delete Monks from the game.
Fixed. We can all go play something else.
Also, stop adding new classes to the game if the devs lose interest in the new pony after a year.
Then delete Monks from the game.
Fixed. We can all go play something else.
Also, stop adding new classes to the game if the devs lose interest in the new pony after a year.
They need to add new classes so they can make that selling point for some grand new expansion…
Maybe they should delete an old class every time they add a new one, then.
(Starting with Paladins?)
No. Bad dwarf.
Based on what? Hahahaha
Just the string of thought, here. They don’t have enough time (apparently) to handle all of the classes in the game, but they keep adding more. So I said, don’t add more. But then it was well, they have to add more, because of marketing. So okay, just delete an old class when a new one is added. Seems simple enough.
It is a 20 years old game, some ideas are good and some aren’t. I wouldn’t like to be the one in charge of figuring out a new expansion with changes that will please everyone lol.
They wait till everybody busy then say “i like to do so an so” the rest go yea go ahead don’t bother me i am busy.
Excellent news. I look forward to trying out the changes tomorrow. The 50% Avoidance will especially alleviate Brann dying so much and give Healers some breathing room to weave between healing and DPS.
I note and appreciate the speed of the change w/ feedback, probably for a while I’m going to compare to FFXIV (given I have been a player since FFXIV beta of 1.0, and I feel that adds a slightly different perspective than an exclusively WoW long time player), but the turn around and communication to this would have given me whiplash in FFXIV because it would be nigh unheard of lol.
The nerfs made sense, they were just really big (too big imo), and so these changes make it make more sense. The nearly no nerf method of FFXIV is a bit problematic, but with my limited experience (but decent experience watching from afar) it would be nice to see more steady hand with changes (especially when going negative on player’s agency (stats / power))… I can definitely say that “usually” I was happy not getting nerfed but seeing things buffed (sometimes my stuff) in response to an issue in that game (I say usually because there are times this didn’t work out well).
I’m sure this is a sensitive thing to touch, but an aside thought is that usually my role dictates Bran’s, and thought there could be systems that might encourage changing his role. Could be something simple like a rotating buff on delves, or mechanical with even further specialized skills (particular if they responded to your role, like if you are dps and take dps Bran there might be a skill he has that can temporarily shift DPS into shield). RPG might be progression systems that have rewards or like curios a bit random so at the end of the dungeon you get a shield upgrade so his tank form is stronger (and so you take the tank, and then at the end his healer, etc). Don’t have any fixed desires beyond, I tend to start each delve with the same exact Bran for “my” role and don’t really have a need to switch it up… so its all per-ordained feeling like good choice vs bad choice (or at least that’s how I feel, maybe I’m just bad lol, or maybe it is meant to be that way).
Anyway, thanks for uplifting him a bit
Thanks for the quick update, seems much better than the last one.
The methodology difference is DEFINITELY huge between FFXIV’s “inch toward change over the course of eons” and WoW’s ping-pong changes, haha. Both have positives. Despite the firestorm in the other thread, I’m glad that Tank Brann landed in a fairly acceptable state pretty quickly.
Still wish they’d make Brann closer to a real party member. Still wish they’d shift difficulty away from white hits. But Brann’s curios are massive, a lot of the weirdly-scaling packs have been fixed, and Brann lives long enough for me to react on all the healers I’ve tried even if they don’t have a lot of good mob management for delves.
Still way harder on non-tanks than on tanks, but what are you gonna do.
Lolz, I can again do T11 delves while being greatly undergeared as a healer with tank brann. Blizzard caving in to whiners paid off
Gj all.
Oh my goodness especially the white hits! That would be a huge change for me. Last season it was very unfun part of pushing the later tiers (on my DPS spec, tank was fine). Just “lol, guess what- you died, why? because I said so”.
Yeah the tank vs non-tank thing is probably why I was a bit sad about the hard nerf initially, because I was like “this isn’t that hard on tank, why are we trying to keep it so hard for non-tanks?”.
There is certainly a fun point that isn’t brain dead easy, but it is note-able that if your job has multi-role ability then just try tank xD.
Frankly, good. If I was still doing T11s on a DK and a hunter that are both under 600, purely because there’s a body to reliably tank white hits, I don’t see why tank Brann can’t enable other classes to do the same thing more slowly.
Part of me is kind of sad to see them break up the hob trio. I called them The Beagle Boys. Like from Duck Tales. After a week and a half of dealing with them, just sheeping one and nuking the other is going to feel like kicking them when they’re down.
It was really fun in some of the myco dungeons with three of them on some narrow ledge.
Can we get a way to disables Brans witty comments? After he runs off and agros extra mobs the last thing I want to hear is “Let’s keep a strategy in mind for the next fight” as I respawn.
I’ll be damned. They actually listened for a change. Kudos Blizzard. Thank you for this. I stand corrected.
I 100% agree.
This is a good change. I don’t understand how anyone could say they weren’t a problem, especially at T11.