Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - March 14

Thank heavens. The guy was getting owned so hard by AoE.

That change has been reverted for some time already

not till after rwf chud :wink:


maybe next time tell the devs not to use a sledgehammer when a scalpel would do just fine

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Now we just need to work on his dodging mechanics. Yelling “DON’T STAND THERE!”…while also standing there, does no one any good.


Any chance we’ll ever get a “Move Brann” action button or something along those lines?

He will still either stand in aoe or reset final boss fights by running too far in the other direction.

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It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

Still worse by a large margin.

Damage reduction is great, but you gotta update Underpin’s targeting logic with his leap to stop targeting Brann. I was able to get the fight under a certain level of control in large part to the fact he was dead so often that the boss was forced to target me. Now this is turning the fight back into a slot machine which will be difficult to overcome if the “adds start bugging out at 7 minutes” ‘soft enrage’ wasn’t also fixed.

EDIT update: A lot of things about this fight were silently fixed alongside the Brann changes. So much more playable.

Thanks Blizz! I was one of the people complaining in the first thread. Had a ton of fun healing delves last week. Tuesday it was miserable. Gotta be honest, the 50% aoe reduction from Wednesday alone was enough to let me have fun healing them again. My issue wasn’t that healing him more was unfun, I hit 80 on a resto shaman on Wednesday, grabbed siren isles gear, and immediately did all of the t8 bountiful for the day post aoe reduction. It required me to use all my utility, but it was fun. Him getting randomly one shot by aoe he wouldn’t avoid was very much not fun.

Looking forward to trying these changes tomorrow. I haven’t done my delves this week yet on my holy priest.

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I wouldn’t hold my breath. There is a reason pets have the avoidance stat.

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A man can dream though, right? :sweat_smile:


Huge! Thank you so much for reverting some of these changes. I’m really happy to be heard

I’m not sure the AoE dmg on all versions of Brann was intended. Don’t remember them saying he would take increased dmg from AoE before. Just happy healer and dps Brann aren’t tanking the floor boss so much now though lol.

This is an accurate recitation of every bug I’ve found.

these changes ruined brann for everyone who actually needs brann. what the hell are you guys smoking?!?!? undo the whole nerf.


I mean this is great and all but like…why is it that you can’t stop and think about changes for more than 2 seconds before you launch them on live? Is it just one person making the changes with absolutely no one else looking at it? No one saw the Brann changes and thought “Dude…wtf that’s too much, stop”?

I’m genuinely curious how you came to the decision on the Brann nerf.


Certainly. But they always seem to find plenty of time to give Paladins their 95,841st revamp!

I agree but by the numbers paladins make up a fair number of players. Monks sadly get neglected simply because they aren’t a widely played class.

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