Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - March 14

Not to be rude or anything but monks in general aren’t a highly played class let alone brewmaster monks. They are focusing on something a larger part of the playerbase will be interacting with. And I am among the people who plays brewmaster and thinks they need a lot of work.
It’s just a fact they will put time into something that more people are doing.

brew has needed help for so long. i feel so bad for brm mains

I think the ambiguity is in what the word “overall” in that bullet point means, I’ve been wondering the same thing. To me, “13% reduced damage overall” reads as if it’s -13% damage instead of +47, but I obviously can’t be sure, and I would welcome any official clarification. I did just do a T11 with tank Brann and the difference did feel quite dramatic, for whatever that’s worth. There were some scary moments but overall it was a lot more doable. Not perfect, but better than I expected.

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A enraged Bonebreak did 4.7million dmg to tank brann. Idk what it did before but it basically one shot him before.

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Wow, that’s wild. I myself was pleasantly surprised when the mine cart only took off like 5 mil health instead of killing him outright. There was one part in the delve when I dropped the ball and didn’t notice a well-connected friend until it had already gotten way out of hand, but even then Brann stood a surprisingly long time before dropping dead, which was more my fault. (second time burned that mob down no issue).

I’ll give it a try tomorrow. If they really did revert the whole 60% and even gave him an additional 13% over last week, then I’ll happily eat crow and pat Blizz on the back for that one. That isn’t what I am anticipating but I’m open to being pleasantly surprised.


Maybe but it causes more problems when things don’t work out as developers thought. If on ptr that wouldn’t happen since most people know it’s a test area where problems come up.

I think it’s more related to the live population being at least 4 orders of magnitude bigger than the PTR population.

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Sounds like a plan, I’m also going to keep trying it out. They did also give him an AOE damage reduction buff, so it’s hard to determine right off how much of what I’m feeling is from that, and how much is the straight damage reduction.

There are more , true but that means more heat when things go wrong. That been true of anything that marked as ( ready to go ) if it doesn’t go as plan people wonder why this wasn’t test before hand.

unfortunately most of WoW’s players consider beta and PTR “early access braggin rights” and not the testing version they really are.

Most, NOT ALL …some are real actual game testers that know how to test software and write useful reports.

They were very often making a fur rug out of my kitty druid, it was ugly.

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That would require 2 things.

  1. People actually testing on the ptr.
  2. Blizz actually listening to and fixing things. Blizz has a bad habit of not fixing things reported heavily on ptr and beta builds.

The first part will be easy 2) will be like herding cats .

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I quite enjoy seeing them murder Brann in a +11 :grin:

Arcane Mage badly needs a gigantic buff.

Yeah it is odd, the mini bosses were already miles easier than last season’s.


Priority lists. Not all things that get reported (and there’s a lot) on the PTR fall into the “fix before live”

These guys weren’t a problem for me, it’s the trio of explosive dudes in higher tier delves that are a pain. Perhaps reduce these guys down by one as well and make them a duo.

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Obviously I liked Tank Bran before the nerfs, even as a DPS, as he didn’t need to be healed and held everything together for me to aoe down and stun etc. But I understand you want players to take on 2 of the three roles of Tank, DPS, and Heals, with Bran only doing one. With Tank Bran not needing healing to complete a delve as DPS if you were careful, that took away the healing role altogether.

It’s good that he has been adjusted as the big nerf killed him for even healers, who he is intended for.
As for using Tank Bran as DPS, he is now manageable for 8’s with trash packs taking 50-70% health off and bosses killing him just as I kill them. It forces me to speed up my DPS and keep up cc so he doesn’t get hit so much.
He isn’t my thing for my hunter as I have a pet, or for my frost mage who just cc’s everything, but he may be usable now for my ww monk who can offheal and keep him up for longer.
It’s a shame as I liked using a different Bran based on the delve and dps class I was using, even switching him for the boss. It helped keep things fresh and interesting when Delves have gotten simplified since last season.

Ps The hobgoblin pack was a bit of fun although I can see how it might not be for some classes. Hope the swim wasn’t in toxic goblin waste lol.