I just cleared T11 Dread Pit with no deaths with healer Brann.
He didn’t get killed once this time, for me anyway.
Like just left the delve and logged to take a break, so couldn’t have been more than a few minutes
I just cleared T11 Dread Pit with no deaths with healer Brann.
He didn’t get killed once this time, for me anyway.
Like just left the delve and logged to take a break, so couldn’t have been more than a few minutes
Thanks. Things I’ve noticed just now doing Sprial Weave on 11.
Tank Bran is a lot better. Still randomly agros mobs. Still moves around a lot when tanking and ending up on stairs or other places that cause LOS issues when healing.
Bioprint npcs from the curio are having all sorts of issues with the web swinging mechanic in Spiral Weave today. They get stuck on the grapple points and cannot get off.
I’ve had 2 cases of nemesis mobs evading so I can’t kill them therefore cannot get the max rank nemesis chest.
I’m stuck in combat, even though all mobs are dead so far. I even tried killing another one and going back but I still cannot loot the Urn. So yeah no more looting urns and getting XP for bran in this one as well.
Overall, it’s more manageable but “fun”, not so much. I mean when get this tier 11 done ill get the bountiful chest and all but not the nemesis and not the urns.
Still waiting on a new epic bg after 15 years. Get in line, it’s a long one.
I rest my case. Not understanding how numbers work to understand what the differences are
They reverted the +60% damage taken and added -13%. how is that not understandable… its not +47% now
They didnt.
Never was. Thats not how numbers work lol
Yes they did go play a delve.
They did not say they did that, so there’s no reason to assume they did. In fact, I don’t think they’ve ever done what you’re suggesting…
Go test it…
They didnt.
This is what youre experiencing
Did they? I didn’t see that.
Originally he took 100 damage. They increased his damage taken by 60% to 160 damage. Now they reduced his damage taken by 13% meaning he now takes 140 damage. Still +40% damage taken compared to last week.
If they completely reverted the 60%, then yeah that would be a good change.
When they revert a change in patch notes, they keep the previous version but strike it out, then add the new note. They didn’t do that here, so this is like Mistweaver where they buffed it by 5% then later nerfed it by 5%; one didn’t replace the other, they were subsequent and therefore multiplicative.
TFW when an NPC tank gets looked at more than a tank spec meant for players.
im not sure if the buffs are enough, ill have to run some delves after i get home from work. As much as i can appreciate them rebuffing brann, I still feel all the nerfs werent warrented. IMHO, blizzard couldve just nerfed tank brann’s damage and kept his tanking ability and it wouldve been ok. The other 2 roles only needed the change they did now, maybe a little bit more dps if they really want dps brann to be used over healing and tank brann.
A prolonged vacation? Its nice to see that downgrade…was a nightmare before.
I think we gotta nerf brann after this
Yea…this. I found out I had to swim up to get mine and not always would it pop a heal.
That tuning is worse than I expected, but I guess it’s better than nothing.
I’m still angry tho.
I’m sure some people do.
But the content gets more testing in the first few hours of being live than the entire PTR cycle.
I was doing a T8 with damage Brann and struggling with the final boss but switched to healer Brann after dying and didn’t have a problem at all.
Healer Brann felt stronger than damage Brann plus the healing potions and skills.