You already did with the first comment.
It probably won’t but I did experience something strange and I don’t think it is intended…
Was in a group delve w/horde and I was not able to rez them, heal them or use their mage food -it was for sure like horde/alliance separation but didn’t think that was supposed to happen in cross faction groups or am I missing something?
Saying something is a joke doesn’t mean you get to escape any criticism for what you said.
I haven’t been doing hardly any delves. I ran a tier 4 Sluice
Are these changes reflected in the highest of levels? Because I didn’t see a change. I always take healer Brann cause I still get hit for a ton of damage at times
Man, when I walked away from this thread was mostly good vibes. What happened here?
I say use the ptr to test not live server.
That’s always been their approach unfortunately. Blizzard is notorious for heavy handed nerfs that swing us from one extreme to another.
Regardless, these changes are nice to see, and appreciated.
Sounds like a lot of positive changes, especially for healers. Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow!
Wish you could’ve taken a more thought out approach and made updates without getting everyone all up in arms, but glad you took some of the feedback
Very much
These are great! Thanks!
Hopefully the hot fixes keep coming with the agro issues and some weird stuff happening with bioprints getting stuck.
Meh, that is still a 12% reduction in health and 40% increase in damage taken. That is still a quite massive nerf.
Kinda hard to judge the 5% damage reduction and 20% increased healing without knowing exactly what they mean by “while using his shotgun”.
The internal cooldown addition on charged weapon stacks I am assuming is another nerf? They weren’t really clear there.
50% reduced AoE damage taken is I assume more of a bug fix. Still mostly offset by the nerfs putting it pretty much back to zero.
The big potential buff is fixing him not gaining levels properly if that has increased his health and damage in any significant way.
This is a pretty token effort after the atom bomb they dropped on tank Brann.
Uh huh yeah he been getting 1 shot a lot just like people said he would lmao
why are u gutting the challenge of delves??
Time to see if Delves are now ‘fun’ again.
Well, then people need to actually test it on the PTR.
Is he still getting one shotted by bosses still.
I am sure there are some that do it i test all delve stuff on ptr since that an all outdoor stuff i do now.
It is actually VERY noticable as a healer. Because he went form +60% damage taken to -13% idk why you think that wouldnt be noticeable.