Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - March 14

You know what would be nice for ol’ Brann? That we could ping the minimap and have him move there. I can’t count how many times bucko decided to tank IN THE BAD because why not. (does priest yank work here i wonder?) Very annoying when most healing specs I play are unfortunately melee at the moment…

Anyways, if someone could loan me some keys, I’d gladly go test out these changes tonight lol No but really… keys… you got any, pal? I need more keeeeys. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Sounds like delves might be a bit more fun again but I will reserve my judgment until I try it for myself.

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Lost 4 days of playing Delve content because you guys really went way overboard with the Brann nerfs, and IMO the rebuffs to him are still not enough, but at least it’s a start.

Should reduce number of delve runs required for vaults this week by 1 since you wasted everyone’s time too but that’s a far off dream…

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Can’t Port to Gallywix atm after killing Mug’zee.

Until Bruce Banner met Thanos in Infinity War.

(Evil laugh)

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Here is the good news…
People are allowed (w/o your permission) to post whatever feedback they like. It is up to you if you want get your bloomers in a bunch about it or not, but no one else seems to be.

This might actually be a nice buff depending on how that effects his hp and damage. Aside from that the nerfs are still massively over done, particularly that 60% increase in damage taken should have been reverted entirely.


Sounds like another Brann nerf, shame…

They should have done it in steps instead of knee jerk reaction of full tilt but that is not on brand for this game company.



it’s okay to not get jokes, dude


So no solo delve without Brann? Is he integral to the mission?

What if Brann just shows up like an X-men hero like during Legion

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

You are in a wow forum telling people to shut up = bloomers in a bunch. Can’t help but tell the truth.

Then apparently either not a good joke or it was not one at all.

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You got greyed out so clearly more people took it offensively than funny so you are pretty bad at jokes and with as much as you ragged on everyone else in the other thread I find it being a joke laughable since you are only claiming that after being flagged.


i legitimately do not know how to communicate with you, dude. it’s a joke

stop taking things so seriously

13 likes compared to what, two or three flags? you know how these forums work.

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I’m pretty easy.

If it was intended to be a joke - you could have indicated so with a smiley face or /sarcasm etc.

Given the fact that others took it as a problem, and you were arguing in another thread - where there is smoke there is fire.

If it get deleted then your likes will be irrelevant so still not gonna be a win for you.


im not gonna continue derailing this topic with y’all

I don’t think this is going to make too much of a difference honestly.