Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - March 14

LOL!!! Thank you for pointing that out! :rofl:

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Whats Brewmaster? Monks only have 2 specs :upside_down_face:


Imagine if Brann got a real AI program

Many thanks for finally acknowledging the issues (though I understand you’re just the messenger they sent, and not the one who made the decisions). I have not tested this list of changes myself obviously, but on paper this looks more reasonable.

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Uhhh, no they are not. We have 5 static M+ teams and none of them are wasting their time doing delves… why would they bother when they can get Myth gear from 10s? Are you kidding?

Delves are for solo players or small groups of players that cannot the sweaty content as easily. I, while I run a guild with CE/M+10 an above players, fit into such a category as I am 50 years old and just simply move slower. Delves were the entire reason I reformed my guild and invite ALL TYPES of players to it. Putting them behind 600mil health bosses does NOTHING but discourage people from doing them at all.


Hulk Always GIF


Yeah but according to some on here that would make Brann too OP…

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He’d be too busy hallucinating mechanics to actually do anything.


I never said m+ players were doing delves. But they are. CE raiders are still doing delves

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Just force the AI to watch all those 80s/90s actions movies, as well as John Wick

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Overall it is still a pretty significant nerf for no reason so…


Haven’t tried doing a delve today but THANK GOODNESS.

I was starting to think that they were intentionally ignoring the 3,000 plus replies on the last thread.

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These are all the players that would cheer at hearing Invincible has a 100% increase in drop.rates not understanding how numbers work


Fairly measured changes. Seems good.


His DPS spec still puts out ~5-10x more damage than his healing spec, and even executes low hp (30%) enemies on a short 1-minute CD.

It’s fine, really.

If you can manage to keep yourself alive, there is no reason to use healing Brann over DPS Brann.

Key part bolded. Thing is most of the damage (coupled with enemy HP in high tiers) in Delves is way too high, and could be tuned down a bit, especially the unavoidable ones.
Delves could use more (lenient) one shots for ignoring mechanics and less damage sponges.

The Brann AoE reduction aura should be extended to players at this point in time.

I’ve done 10 tier 11 delves this week. 9 on this character, 1 on my 620 ret paladin yesterday. Used healer Brann every time. Today healer Brann seemed as invincible as season 1, otherwise, earlier he kept being K/O’d for reasons I could never figure out. I didn’t even get the Raisin’ Brann achievement until season 2 since I never had him get knocked out before. I wonder what changes will be made next week?

Funny to see these following that nerf hammer a couple days ago. Some of these were live at least as of Wednesday though, particularly levels past 50 for Brann - I noticed his passive was finally increasing again, which I assume is what this fix was for.

It’d be nice if you guys took a closer look at the underwater delves though. They just…don’t really work very well. You might as well let us swim in them, because having us be on the ground while all of the NPCs (including Brann) can still swim makes things pretty darn buggy as things are now. And the Underpin’s bombs can’t be kicked while underwater!

Also, can we give Brann less priority when it comes to the mouse cursor so he can stop bodyblocking clickables? :pray:


I didn’t even know DPS Brann had a self-heal lol.


I mean, if it’s currently 1% and a 100% increase raised it to 2%, that is still an improvement and worth being happy about.