PLEASE rework the scaling of the mobs we encounter in Delves while solo to adding group members. There is NO REASON for these mobs to have 600million health in a group of 5 in the higher tier delves.
<3 Dani
PLEASE rework the scaling of the mobs we encounter in Delves while solo to adding group members. There is NO REASON for these mobs to have 600million health in a group of 5 in the higher tier delves.
<3 Dani
Are various bugs with certain curios on the radar?
Brann stops summoning eggs for long periods of times sometimes (maybe only when using mechasaurs?)
When you exit pacifist rig it occasionally bugs Brann out and he transforms into DPS Brann if he was tank or healer but then re-gains the other roles abilities after leaving combat
Sometimes Mechasaurs stop assisting and just stand next to Brann while they’re up and don’t do anything (this might only occur after bug 2 occurs, not sure)
Not sure how it happened but sometimes you have multiple curios active of the same category such as pocket factory and mechasaurs being active at the same time
I also got disconnected once when exiting pacifist rig but that doesn’t seem to happen often at least.
As far as feedback goes, with tank Bran’s damage reduced, the pinged augment chip seems inferior to high damage curios when playing as a healer. People will just want to go with what makes the run faster and that no longer really does in comparison (at least when the other ones are actually procing).
What class needs tuning?
Brewmaster and Holy Paladin to name two biggest needs.
Being able to run 5 dps successfully and having every CD up per pack is reason enough
Hopefully this will be enough to undo most of the damage you’ve done.
In the future though, maybe just… Don’t? Like, oh no, healers can get entry level gear kinda easily, what a terrible problem that must be nuked into oblivion! Absolute clownery.
There are some aoe abilities (especially in the new goblin delves) that don’t seem to have the AOE flag set, as they’re also doing full damage to the warlock felhunter.
I just ran an 8, Brann dies to white swings. Swapped him to dps, I die to white swings. This is truly engaging content! Job well done!!!
Those players are not doing Delves. They’re grinding out M+10s as they should be. Delves are not made for them.
Good deal.
Thank you to the community for keeping this bonfire lit, sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.
ETA on Tier ?? rewards being added in finally.
Any chance you guys could spend as much time looking at Brewmaster Monks and the other abandoned specs, as you do on this 1 NPC?
They are.
M+ learn when and where to use CDs. Not hold them.
You need to press more buttons. Like a defensive. Or a heal. Or both
52.5% increased damage done (as opposed to the original 60%) is getting your praised and considered gradual??
Of course not. They all want to be clearing 11s in 600ish gear when it’s recommended 658.
Joking aside… I still want my mechanics back, Blizzard! Give me interactive things in these Delves and not just damage sponges!
Any word on fixing his AI in all specs so he doesn’t just stand in the bad stuff? Lowering his dmg from AoE is great but at least get him to move out of the stuff.
Great. Now any statement or reason why the delvers journey is not increasing this week?
A particularly nasty trio of Hobgoblins appearing in Delves is now a duo of Hobgoblins. The other one went for a swim.
I have a feeling this might fly under some peoples’ radar but it got a chuckle out of me.
This is a way more balanced approach, ty Kaivax.
And they say Blizzard doesn’t listen! Credit earned where credit is due.