dude, are you going to apologize to the players you called liars or not? i truly don’t care what you think about me but if you’re going to go around demanding receipts you need to have the integrity to admit you were wrong, and apologize.
Add automatic footbomb dispenser to that list. I’ve run 3 delves with this now and he only despenses them when the enemy is at about 2% health. Fine if I can string mobs together but most of the time there’s nothing else around, or a mob dies within a similar enough time frame that I don’t get to the bombs. And I’m on tank, so the fights aren’t going quick.
It’s been annoying. Bio curio was only copying Brann (so 100% malfunctioning) when I ran delves yesterday.
Just tested Tank Brann with a Disc (ilvl639) in the T11 Undermine sewers Delve, and I must say that it maybe just hit the sweet spot between too easy and too difficult.
I still can’t deal with multiple elite packs at the same time (like a tank spec with healer Brann can), but single pulls or multiple with common adds gets through just fine!
I need to test this with a Resto Druid too, because Disc does have the ease of not needing to choose between healing or dpsing as it does both at the same time without any compromise, but pretty sure I can catweave right now and heal during energy downtime.
I’ve seen this person around. They seem to enjoy attacking anyone who likes delves or solo play. Their go to is calling people unskilled and accusing anyone who comments as wanting upgrades for free.
You’re better off just blocking them. A lot of people have.
Yea, I had tried some curios the first week but just ended using pinged augment chip most of the time since tank Brann could do a lot of damage on his own. Might as well just buff it more. Now that they nerfed his damage heavily I’ve been relying on RNG curios to carry the damage to make the runs not so slow as a healer. Mechasaurs and Pacifist Rig seem to be the best, though aren’t reliable or consistent. Footbombs I tried a bit since I had read someone else liked them but their inconsistency is even more annoying than Mechasaurs since you have a smaller window in which they’re useful when they do spawn.
I wondered if they stealth hotfixed this to just always make Brann copies because they didn’t like the actual good ones doing a ton of damage.
Pacifist Rig annoyed me at first, especially with tank Brann since you can’t heal him while it’s up, but after you get used to it I think it’s the best in that slot. It also has a cheat death auto-summon of it once a delve you could probably use intentionally gathering a large group.
That, and if you are melee he tends to throw them well outside your field of view. Especially if you are doing something that requires movement, They hit hard but are impractical to actually use.
Thank you. I was never against tank Brann nerfs as they were deserved, but I was against the extent of them. I ran an 11 today and it was much smoother than they were yesterday. Not tank levels smooth, mind. But better.
Lets take blizz at their word for a minute and assume the original posting of the reasons for the nerfs was accurate. They don’t want healers just sitting back and healing.
If they had given Tank Brann a dps nerf, say reduced the damage from his Charged Gadgets by 10% but gave him a plus 15% to healing received to encourage healers to heal less and dps more that would have made sense. Even if they just did the damage nerf people would have grumbled but carried on.
Obliterating his survivability the way they did was just insane. They still need to revert the rest of his increased damage taken nerf to approach the neighborhood of something that makes sense.
three separate threads he came at people who were saying they were completing tier 11s for having no account achievements. went conveniently silent after being provided proof
to be fair he was only proven explicitly wrong in two of those threads, but the third one he was doubting hpel, who i feel pretty comfortable believing
I’ll give the pacifist rig a try. Thanks for the rec.
The footbombs are great when they work, but yeah, spawning when everything is about to die isn’t helpful.
Besides fixing when they spawn, maybe changing the timer to 15 sec would give melee a chance to see them & get to them? Or Brann could throw them where the player is, like healing Brann does with potions?
I miss having an army of mechanical dinos lol but that was def bugged. I’ve been trying the different curios and switched out of them due to the 1 spawn I got doing nothing but standing there.
Here’s hoping they get these bugs sorted on Tues reset.