By you for sure if you think delves should be completed at max rewards in gear that was low by season 1 standards.
Never claimed to be the world’s best player. I’m sorry you don’t know what confidence is
By you for sure if you think delves should be completed at max rewards in gear that was low by season 1 standards.
Never claimed to be the world’s best player. I’m sorry you don’t know what confidence is
in that new delve excavation 9 - I hardly find any they are so dang small and when I do see them, I swear my pointer is too big it covers it and if it not just right it won’t take it (let alone Brann or a dinosaur is in the way)
can still confirm , bran as a tank is still bloody useless - enemies only have to look in his direction and he dies.
This! I even made a thread on this, though everyone who replied thought I was talking about class balance specifically. Whenever Blizzard buffs stuff it’s gradual, small, tiny percentages that usually are not enough and then it needs to be buffed again… On the other hand they seem to swing the nerf bat with far more gusto… I don’t understand why they do that.
Ion once said it’s harder to take something away than to give it to players… So why is that philosophy not applied to nerfing? Why did they start with MASSIVE nerfs like 60% DR, 20% HP, and especially the nerfs to his damage which is the most atrocious part?
That’s what’s always so dang frustrating! Why always start massive with these nerfs! It’s absurd and just pisses people off and makes them feel like the team is just blindly shooting in the dark at times…
I’ve not commented a single thing about that specific topic in either thread you’ve been gracing with your presence, mi lord.
If you look back in my post history, about two weeks, you’d see that my opinion on the ease of delves more closely matches yours than you’d think. I was expecting nerfs and complaining about a lack of danger.
If you look at my videos in either thread, you’d see what I still think about the difficulty in some delves. However, what is easy for me, isn’t easy for everyone. Nothing we do in delves affects other more difficult content.
Delves award champion gear for the most part, a lot of those pieces have terrible itemization. The hardest delves at t11 are as challenging as normal raid is for people with average skill level and awards the same gear. Not to mention that past week 2, 1/3rd of those in a normal raid are likely being carried.
You want to know what heroic trinket I got this week from the bounty map? One with a small amount of crit that spawns a pirate to fight alongside of you. Wow, what an amazing piece of hero gear!
It’s a video game, your confidence in it, is a joke. My comment about the mug was a joke, Michael Scott. It’s okay to admit you get enjoyment out of berating those you believe are beneath you, narcissists need fun too, I guess. But, let’s stop pretending you’re here to have an honest discussion and are actually here to poke the nest over the nerfs to which a lot of people had very emotional reactions to. It might be easy pickings, but trolling nonetheless. If you don’t get it, that is a stunning lack of self awareness.
There, you got an actual reply, now back to spite trolling.
Because they panicked seeing healers do something other than standing around trying to apply for M+ groups. They needed to make a definitive statement to get healers out of delves and back in line.
That is the only reason the nerfs were so massive. Even if the nerfs had only been 50% of what they did it still would have cratered brann into uselessness. These tiny buffs don’t really change much.
Healers in delves are back to being at a massive disadvantage when compared to tanks and dps.
I suspect so when they swing it back slightly people will be all happy and they can claim they have listened to their user base and point to the execs and say see, we are listening they are just not grateful when we do, marketing terms, marketing speak, marketing word salad, etc.
It would be a good tactic to use to be honest.
After trying tank Brann out, it seems like he’s much better balanced now. He’s not as overtuned as he was in week 1, but he can actually survive more than 2 hits now.
I mean, you are not wrong. The reactions in this thread are proof of that for sure…
It makes sense but man is it scummy. But it works
True, but I’m sure that some people were like me and thought “now why couldn’t you have done this from the start?”
Just as long as we can still beef up the Nemesis chest with killing Underpin’s guys works for me.
Good. Will test this afternoon.
You mean move the nerf to the number they really wanted?
It only felt massive because it was meant for a one and done, meaning for max level content with max level Brann.
But common sense escapes many on the forums. Of course the nerfs feel massive when youre massively under geared for it.
Your salary is 60k a year
First paycheck: YOU SAID I WAS GETTING 60K!!! WHY IS MY PAYCHECK ONLY 2250!?!?!?!
I am commenting on it and you are commenting saying I am agreeing which means you are disagreeing with me saying its an issue since you are trying to deflect by saying I am trolling.
Considering its still hero track and that while not BIS delves DO give good trinkets.
What makes you think my confidence is based on the game?
I did giggle a little.
I dont admit to anything thats not true. Considering I only return the energy given to me.
I was having an honest discussion. People got emotional over it.
You can say its just a game and then validate people getting emotional over it. Dont get to have your cake and eat it too.
Making comments based on facts isnt trolling.
A reply with double standards and full of cope lol
I dont mind if delves drop hero track. I just think that it should be equally as difficult as mplus or heroic raid.
Youre not timing mplus or killing heroic bosses in 590 gear.
Nah, can’t have that. People want the best gear with the least amount of effort possible because they must feel achieved.
If everyone is super, no one is.
The issue is delve only players will fight tooth and nail to keep their easy gear which is apparent in these threads.
Delve players experiencing any content thats not a delve