Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - March 14

You do realize its a phrase right?

Lawyers do the same thing in court.

WHY WONT YOU ADDRESS THE ISSUE PLAYERS COMPLAINED ABOUT??? Brann is in the way, every loot click, every mouseover, every whatever the player wants to interact with!!! We’ve been saying this since BETA. FIX his Hitbox or make it so he doesn’t run to every urn, every door, and every dead mob and stand right on top of them… We have to pan camera, wait, then brann assumes a new position 2 feet away. Seriously, who are you people that you continue, year after year, to fix JUST ONE quality of life issue?!


yeah im a troll for wanting you to be accountable for your actions, that’s craaaazyyy

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Hey, so they said in a post above you’ve been blocked. They aren’t seeing you. So you’re kinda spamming the comments for no reason. :dracthyr_shrug:


This so so SO much. Brann is constantly directly on top of the player, why can’t he follow off the side like pets?

im well aware. it’s for other people reading.

Is that troll still around? ROFL.

I figured it was just Snozay and Grizzle going nuts, as I knew Grizzle was in another thread, and was told Snozay was then.

This thread got stupid


4 posts, talking to same person, log off your alt dk

Okay, it’s just annoying tho? Let people discuss delves here. That’s what the post is. You aren’t getting an apology, idk what happened but it’s over. Now you’re just spamming everyone, complaining.

they seem comfortable posting my name in every other post. not a problem when they do it, huh?

Same advice I’ve given others: block the trolls and move on. They won’t stop with spam garbage, but if you put them on ignore you don’t have to see it.

Thanos Sitting Infinity War gif

You know, I do wish the forums had a thing where people were all on one character of theirs or whatever…but it would be hilarious if that DK is the alt of one of the trolls I’ve blocked just trying to get my attention. Not gonna work, but it’d still be hilarious. Also probably against ToS, circumventing the ignore feature and all.

Uh, first, I’m on this alt bc I’m gonna be levelling him. And 2nd, idk who you think I am? I normally post under Buffy (warrior). I’m not hiding lol.

I genuinely have no idea what their altercation is. But one has blocked the other. Nothing wrong with pointing that out, bc they keep complaining about wanting an apology but that clearly isn’t happening. It’s just clogging up delve talk.

Most people have Grizzle, Snozay and Ickiss blocked by now because all they have done in these threads is troll and act like those of us that enjoy delves are bad for whatever reason.


This is what happens when you balance based on a spreadsheet and have no actual QA testers. Even a 30 minute play session - from one person playing above T6 - would have revealed that the original nerf was too much and just deleted Tank Brann out of existence.


I thought it was odd they nerfed stacking speed further (I assume that’s what that note means) when they already heavily limited max stacks to the point that his damage isn’t impressive even at max stacks.

I already shifted to depending on RNG curios for damage instead of relying on Brann’s damage anyway.

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All I know is that Ancient Teachings didn’t even work before so I take this as them saying it should work now so I don’t have to play Vivify spam

Lets take this a step further.

They said the combo was too strong for simply sitting back and healing. Lets look at the implications of that and not assume they meant they wanted you to DPS in its stead.

That means the nerfs were to lower that power combo to be on the same playing field as everyone else. Which it did. If youre gonna sit back and avoid all the mechanics and not interact and just simply spam single target heals, theyre gonna make ya work for it.

60% increased damage and 10% lower health had damage coming in roughly 71% higher than before.

So now youre not leisurely casting ST heals. No no. Youre sweating now, youre pumping numbers and actively trying to keep Brann alive. Even failing to do so some times. Or youre doing what the melee healers do and pull smaller and actively use interrupts and CC because theyre in the thick of it and have to deal with the mechanics themselves.

The nerf didnt feel very bad to me because i was already being pro-active with mitigating damage coming in. I noticed, but not as much as someone whos simply standing at 30 yards spamming flash of light would notice.

The “healers need to DPS” mindset is a player created stigma. And while Blizzard doesnt shy away from it, id hardly call it “enforcing” it either.