Remember, OP, a lot of this is predicated on people who are strictly following an unwritten min/max policy and trying to enforce it upon the entire community. In all reality, I’ve never seen a Feral Tank or Cat on my server use an MCP. Ever.
Not every raid is full of Warriors and Rogues who are going to burst the crap out of a boss the moment the Raid Leader yells, “Go.” Not every guild is full of elitists who are going to kick you because you play Ret, Balance, or your parse is too low.
Not everyone uses logs and videos to track their progress. Mostly because, and I know this is a hard pill to swallow, not everyone feels like that’s necessary. I know, there’s some people who love to turn the game into a huge math equation, but there’s others who just just think, “I’m a bear fighting a dragon! That’s so cool!”
Yea… Its a straight nerf nothing else lol… You can already effectively do this just… only use one per fight. It’s not like ferals are so integral raids are going to change their strategies because they become less effective… They’ll mostly just shrug and say “well I guess that’s even one more reason not to bring a feral druid…”
Yall are marginal as it is… Why you would be suggesting a nerf is beyond me.
Bears need MCP. If you don’t, your DPS need to wake up lol. This is at least on horde side.
Feral AP weapons available in classic don’t come close. MCP sims out to something like over 1k FAP.
TBC you quit using it because: (1) we get much better FAP weapons; (2) MCP itself becomes less powerful due to haste rating; and (3) mangle means that FAP becomes more powerful than it was in the past.
It’s really not so bad farming MCP. ngl, it’s not great, but it’s also not too bad.
A CD on MCP would actually be an overall nerf to Feral Druids. They utilize full uptime on bosses, after all, but adding a CD with any downtime at all would mean they’d be weaker.
they have some pretty amazing players. a lot of theme parse well. I mean when we were strictly business we got server first bwl ,and 4th for naxx on server. that’s pretty good. Good guilds is relative. don’t be a jerk