You’re not very bright, are you?
As was already pointed out, you should probably fully clear all the content before commenting on its difficulty in a manner that is so matter of fact.
I actually tend to agree that Classic is easy, which is why it blows my mind people still can’t clear the content.
But is it more than Fury/Prot? I don’t think anyone is questioning that they can do lots of threat.
This is such a silly take.
The only way you’re going to avoid getting caught by DPS on threat is if your threat are throttling or they are terrible. MCP is absolutely essential for Bear to deal competitive threat.
Even in the most generous scenarios, they’re doing equal threat to a Fury/Prot while using an MCP with 100% uptime and full BiS (including KotS and DFT).
It’s because Maul is so essential to your TPS as a Bear that MCP is so powerful. You keep saying “oh, Maul crits, the Maul crits are so big” as if that detracts from the argument that doing 50% more of them is insanely important. Why not have huge Maul crits and 50% haste?
This is true, at least, but at that point you don’t need big Maul crits, either. You generate such a massive threat lead while tanking a secondary target that you’ll never lose aggro even wearing full mitigation gear.
Your threat generation matters far less on Patchwerk because the majority of it is coming from Hateful Strike.
I do agree that they’re very good for that fight, though.
To be fair, when the pre-patch comes out, all the tanks will swap to Deep Prot for Devastate and the insanely rage efficient threat generation.