hey! those were some of the best times. I still remember that and having fun on vent. though I’m having trouble remember some others we ran with. I remember Mecha and a few others but I’m drawing a blank on the rest.
Jitian, Darkmaster, Noctul, Revelion around?
Oh yeah, Mecha! I feel terrible but I’ve forgotten most of the names, too. The only other one I remember was Doail.
Also I apologize for even bringing it up but… I still… think about holla back cow…
I’m still in touch with Altma and Erisana but I don’t know if they’re rolling anywhere.
I lost touch with Edom years ago and haven’t seen anyone else in a very long time.
Long time no see bud
Thanquol - Undead Warlock
Guild: Avant Garde
Looking for: Maserati, Scotch, Silvanos, Rexxigar, Bloodletting, Meteora, Jurgen, Onixmane, Ezmundiuz, Traetar
Anybody I used to duel with outside Org, or anybody I used to PvP with back when Jurgen decided he wanted High Warlord.
Yaerious here, Asbestos Dinosaur.
See you guys in Druid / Shaman form come Monday!
Guild Aftershock, Epic Fail, Wrecked, Clan Sentinels.
Characters were, Mordicus (War), Kannouteki (Pally), Omicker (Shamy).
Would love to find Evillyn, Minori, DG, Otsego, Redd SicsixSic, Wicked, AK, from old days.
Taklu- Bloof Elf Rogue
Algama-Orc Warrior
Tyraxor: Orc Shaman
guild: Ministry of Pain and previously Jinxed! anyone from either here?
Anyone from MoP here?
I am Alm, the old drunkin father you still see in your sleep… Was Alm, combat mace rogue and Paithan, holy priest. Was in MOP, Reroll, RES etc
- Character: Hawkeyed, Troll Hunter/Waiter, Undead Mage
- Guilds: The Fold
- Looking for: Anyone that remembers haha
Wasn’t our tank Bloodletter
This is Graall, Druid
Undead female rogue named Adaira
Guilds: Primordial and Tranquility
LF: anyone
Bnet: Dayna#1635
Will be playing Adaira the undead female rogue on Whitemane
Well hey there
When it was made it was Zhangliao
Hey Brownstone - Elboz / Nexi here. Longggg time!
Character: Elboz - Undead Rogue
Guild: Illuminati
Looking For: The old Nax (stupid 4 horsemen!) and PVP Grind squad. Miss you all!
omgomg~ my best priest~ <3 been on and off wow. let’s play wow classic together? which race are u going? let’s play on faerlina horde. if u down shoot me a reply! with ur toon name plz thx! i literally cried for 30 mins when i saw ur post… misss the old days!
Jhar here, Troll rogue.
Guilds: Vigor mainly, as rogue class lead. Illuminati for a small stint before tbc launch.
Looking for anyone who might remember me, was the servers premier mace meme rogue.