Oh damn, I remember you! Also all those names you listed!
This is Ralphh a.k.a. Kxjibberish - Undead Rogue
I’m only planning on playing Classic very casually, but what server/faction are you guys rolling on?
Oh damn, I remember you! Also all those names you listed!
This is Ralphh a.k.a. Kxjibberish - Undead Rogue
I’m only planning on playing Classic very casually, but what server/faction are you guys rolling on?
I think darkmaster is still trying to figure out how to tank anub’rekan while keyboard turning still
Looking for Burn The Liars or Burn the Liars, members some of us are heading to Blaumeax. Wondering if there’s anyone around.
What up playa, it’s your child and now also drunk father McBee.
DACE!!! Sorrys here been forever!
Sinthia has returned. You may all rejoice. Avant Garde, Crapture, a few others.
Garak, Undead Mage
The Gloaming, Ace, Hadouken, Bear Cavalry
Looking for Wombo, Mastiphal, Exodius, Larkin, Zeekora,
Discord #WUBERGE3808
I’m on Skeram with my retail guild and folks. Hit me up on bnet #Eteled11961 and we’ll go from there.
Do you remember the priest class leader?
LOL. I can find out where they’re at. My friend is related to all of them. My name was Bonesyou in Vigor. I was the lock class leader before I think I got kicked out probably for being subjective? I’m remaking on Benediction- Shall we throw our lives away 15 years later?
Character: Jannarious, Undead Priest
Guild: Asgarths Vanguard, former Guild Leader (after Amys)
Looking for: Any old AV’ers and if they’ve congregated on any Classic server. Evirdrevo. Any of the old HWL Pvp Starcraft the midfield and stomp noobs team.
Note: Amys is alive and well. Rumors of her death are greatly exaggerated. So are Benebric and Mesug.
Name/Race/Class: Ibn - Orc Warrior - Makiko - Undead Mage
Guild: Asgarth’s Vanguard / Rapture / Prime
Looking for: Rampagebull, any ex-Rapture/Illuminati/Prime etc
OC still playing a druid!? That’s commitment!
Are you sure your name is Jannarious – could’ve sworn it was something along the lines of “There is a more powerful spell active”
Whoa, nostalgia! Anyone remember Drusis, feral druid and slayer of horde? Fond memories killing you all. <3
Fail- Zahl here from Illum. Hit me up on BNet @ johnneo#1296. I’m in touch with a few of the old Illum players. Hello to everyone else as well :).
OFC, who can forget the guy who cornered the market on shirts?
There’s some old names! This is Neflite/Sacrosanct/Damos. Sent you a request Wombo. Yessia, mines Damos#1744
Hey Yessia! This is Neflite/Sacrosanct/Damos. Sent you a request.