Yesss now you must come to Herod for Alliance, Shirt! Forget that Pacific server business. Join my guild to accomplish your Naxx goals + enjoy the bonus of getting to gank your bro & friends from Herod Horde! Much fun to be had
Anuku: Undead War from The Fold. Going to play on Grobulous as a Gnome Mage Wingding. Bit less populated. Wondering if any of you bastards are still out there.
“Guys, my wife” has been an injoke between myself and friends for years! I still kind keep up with Maserati. Been a few months since I talked to Gorbag. I talk to Thowarr and Aylah almost daily still. I play on live but don’t really have time for classic. GLHF
- Acela (Wreckless, Pred, and Hadouken?)
To all my fellow Mannorothians, a few former Avant Garde members and a ton of new folks are rolling on Herod in a semi-hardcore raiding guild called Drive. If interested, check us out at driveguild .com. Raid times are Tu/We/Th 8:30 PM - 12:00 AM EST and our first raid night is October 1st.
-Live of Avant Garde
Dregoth - Paladin
Kahji - Mage
Kaaji - Rogue
Hey bud, not sure if I ever fought you or not, but the name seems familiar. If you talk to Forlornn, tell the bro I said hello.
I remember fighting him in world pvp a good bit. Good times.
I’ll be on Herod. Not 100% on which side yet, but I got icon reserved.
Server : Mannoroth
Guild: Krack Horde …although i think we had a few other names after Bliz killed it.
Player Name: Rattlehead
Rolling Horde on pvp Whitemane for classic, currently along with about 20 others.
Drunk Priest was Soeur/Sister.
Hi Acela, good to see you!
Please tell Mas that Kamah says hi.
Ohhhh yeah… hahah. I am terrible with names XD
Good to see you :). Lots of memories from MC, BWL and AQ!
I was definitely … around. Could never really stick to one character.
Skrifbood - Undead Priest, ( I really hate that name looking back) Whuut - Orc Hunter, Mufflon (Tauren Druid), Birdyjuice (Undead Warlock)
Wreckless and cRapture. The best worst guilds.
Any of the old group.
Definitely remember Yogsta from around town. Trolls stood out like a sore thumb. He was before my time in Illum though. Hello to Elegen, Thrice, Archilles. Good to see Kamah, Fail, Dacendaren. Inahk hangs out around discord still but hasn’t played in years and isn’t planning on playing classic. I haven’t heard from Lucifa in a very long time - still have some ventrilo recordings of him singing to us after coming home drunk though.
A few of us old Rapture boys and BC Illum guys have been in touch over the classic launch and signed up for Lekz’s’s mega meta mannoroth guild. We’re leaning toward Stalagg (not Herod) though - don’t have time for 10k queues.
Name: Jadl
Class: Hunter
Race: Blood Elf
Guild: End, Epoch
Looking for: Raynxes, Pujo, guy named Rick (forget character names but was in a few guilds with him)
My memory isn’t great so just let me know if you recognize me!
Skrif… you were the only person I was gonna call out with a post here lmao, thank you for running all that Dire Maul with me. I’m going to cry.
Hi Kamah, Ace!
Not coming back for Classic but man, it’s so cool to see all these old names.
-Maserati, Tauren Warrior
Akinos, Male Tauren Druid (My first lvl 60 in WoW career, lol)
Adel, Female Orc Hunter (Rode dat purple skeletal warhorse back in the day!) (One of the Hunter class raid officers for Exitus)
BLoODluST () - (Hope I got the alternating case spelling right Fire! lol)
Exitus ()- (Exitus gear imo, imo! lol! Amirite Sworn?!)
Just stopping by to say hello to Territo, Jaws, Darkzedge, Lightzedge, Ice, Fire, Sworn, Silva, Rager, who else? Daedalus? And the rest of the horde/alliance personalities of Mannoroth. Kinda difficult to remember the rest, its a considerable amount of people.
Fun times g’s
MENCHI!??! where is that tauren hunter?! I used to chill with him in org around a campfire infront of the AH lol
Hai guyz.
Formerly of Exitus.
I’m not really looking for anyone and I am definitely not playing on Herod. Just dropping in to say hi.
If you want you can add me: Tominator#1734
I do not, unfortunately.
Anyone from the casual Mega guild The Fold still around? as well as Dark Phoenix?