Mannoroth Alliance Reconnections

I am planning to roll on grobbulus, hoping for a more paid back server and for fun with pvp side. Also rolling horde enjoy the look and feel more. Add me if anyone from mono is coming along not sure what guild or anything just playing undead horde scored 3 names so sticking with it.


Everybody hit me up.

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Anyone have a raid guild lined up with EST raid times, preferably ending by 10/10:30?

me (sephenroth) human mage and Metaljacket (dwarf rogue) will be playing, not sure where. Rauko may make a return. Where are you going?

BnetID: Delod#1361

Human Paladin (at the time, now I’m a cow pally :smiley:)
Free Beer and Chicken and Takusan no Kozuchi were my guilds.

I raided a bit with both. I left the server in 2008 and now reside on Area 52 :slight_smile: Hit me up if anyone even remembers me lol

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Lilguy (Warlock), Duvien (Rogue)
Guild: RNS, Vodka, Legacy of Khan
aka Twan

Nasif / Kathitor!!!
So glad to see your names again!!

I saw they were releasing vanilla wow again and HAD to read and see what’s up. It’s so crazy reading through this thread and seeing familiar names, then seeing the random shout-out from Kath!!!

I was definitely thinking of getting back and playing when they open the servers, just for nostalgia-sake. That grind to 60 was so tough back in the day, but I’m going to give it a shot for a little while. I’m still buds with Killa IRL so I’ll be getting him to join in on the grind.

Would love to see some other members from IO join in on this thread. There were so many old school names that come to mind, just a few that I can remember off the top of my head…
Natalya, Haggis, Jacked, Naturesforce (GK), Kromus, Jaeherys, Artemis, Zwee…

I hope everyone is doing well, if anyone sees this chime in and lets find a new replacement for Mannoroth.

Jujubes - Assassination Rogue - Age of the Iron Cross

Does anyone still talk to Cronus? I remember many late nights getting frustrated in MC with that guild.

Mirax - NE Priest, GM, Swords and Staves
We have a group of ~50 ready to go for Herod Horde, hoping to remake the best of times in SaS.
I got the name Mirax so it shouldnt be hard to find us.

Shoutouts to Obliviouself, Phalanx, Xaojitsu, Dictator, and others whos realids I don’t have. Except you Greekmyth. No Greekmyth.

Your name sounds oddly familiar.

Zenerino - Human Paladin, Rebel Nation Soldiers

Lots of familiar names and guilds here.

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Wow. That’s a name I haven’t heard in quite some time.

For real for real, no shout out for your boy Gilderon? :frowning:

You had the best rage-filled raids I ever took part in!

You should hit me with that RealID!

Antons gnome rogue

Fuzzlecuff - Gnome Mage. Also was in RNS and part of that server first Ragnaros kill !

What Classic server are you signing up for Gilderon?

Claybeard - Dwarf Hunter

Free Beer and Chicken and/or whoever else they raided with
Dark Squirrels?
Enim Vinco?

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I remember this 1000% and it was the funniest thing for the longest time. We kept spreading the rumor on Ventrilo and in world chat and it absolutely caught on. I can’t believe I forgot this.


What’s up my dudes! I remember y’all. Let’s sync up for classic. Wouldn’t be the same without you.


If we can find Cortabre, Defender, Jett, and Sylvanos again that would be epic. I think I still have Sylvanos added on I think he goes by Sylvano now.

Hi Blast!

I think Natalya stil plays from time to time.
GK has been out of for a few yars and isnt even on FB that much either.

Zwee can die in a fire :stuck_out_tongue:

For anyone wondering,

Large group of Refined, RNS, Provoked, High Latency + few others will be rolling on STALAGG

I was Rayden (Rogue), playing Warrior in Classic.

Some (but not all) people in this group:

Orcbane (hunter)
Elassar (HL GM, hes borderline though… come on E! Play!)
(bunch more HL guys 4-5 guys that I cant seem to recall their vanilla names, sorry dudes!)

SO yea… Stalagg. GOGOGO

(If the server choice changes for this group I will update in this thread.)


Idontknow about diss

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