Mannoroth Alliance Reconnections

Ahh hey kasika and kath! Yall were with me in green knights old guild right?!

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That is a name I instantly remember from the old Vanilla days. I remember running a lot with you back in the day when I was a night elf warrior - Sivahn.

RAYDEN!!! Glad to see you still kickin. It’s Sivahn. Animus was my older brother who was one of the holy paladins in Provoked and was friends with the rogue Decerto

WOW! Elwyna!!! This is Narixi, your whole family played WoW didn’t they? I was in KoR for a LONG time before I eventually quit


Night Elf / Hunter

Guild: KoR,

Looking for anyone in KoR to reconnect, you guys were all a huge part of what made the game special to me, especially as a young teenager

Scribal - Nightelf Rogue from Band of Bros.
It’s amazing seeing all of these names from so long ago!

If anyone sees Cogfizzle tell him Hospes sends his love.

Man the names I’m seeing here is bringing back a lot of memories. It’s amazing to see so many Mannoroth brothers and sisters still around.
My main was lvl 60 NE Warrior Sivahn.
looking to reconnect with Sabers, Orcbane, Fivefingers, anyone I see I can remember or who remembers me lol. and for all those Provoked people my brother is Animus the dwarf paladin and friends with Decerto NE Rogue.
I was in BothN, Elysium and a lot of others. Also tanked for a lot of guilds I am seeing in here to do the jailbreak in BRC lol.



I used to play with Rellikx and Agu a ton, I think I started raiding just as you stopped!

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Phader was my name on Manno. Dwarf paladin. Was in Brotherhood of nine.

Yep! I had to stop after a major work promotion that required a ton of travel. It was mid to late BC. I filled in some in Wrath but could not commit. I ended up super casual after that! I now run old raids just for pets and stuff. Current content can wait.

I THINK I remember you! I used to have a master list of everyone, along with a ton of data, but that is long gone. Life of a Guild Officer back then!

Dude Nawlins, you gotta hit me up bro. It’s been forever, wondered where you went. It’s alpha. Me and Ghoody were talking about you the other day.

I actually know someone who has his account, he quit about 1/2 into TBC, went from Dwarf priest towards the end of Vanilla to a resto shaman in TBC on Cho’gall server when Mano got the free server transfer.

Sammye/Nikkinova: holy priest of Mentality/TSM.

LF: Gaze (warlock), Flayy (Priest) Tehealer (Priest), Xk (GM warrior), Peacebloom (Priest), Woldul (Mage)

Oh, that’s right! You did sub in a few times! You’re still in Cwal on Manno? Are you going to play classic? Herod is the place to be!

I’ve been trying to find Mike (Peacebloom) for the better part of 10 years. How I wish that RealID had been a thing back then :sleepy:

You might remember me as Akuto. I was in mentality for most of TBC. I left around Hyjal, when we started having progression struggles.

Yep, I still main Belladona on Manno in CWALOps. It is super casual and rarely anyone is on though. I will play some Classic, but I could not get Belladona for a name. Mirasol on Pagle I think. I am not doing PvP this time!

Monksacre - Warrior
Yueh - Priest
Jeea - Shaman

I was in RNS, Refined, Forbidden Doughnut, Provoked, High Latency



I got some screen shots of you Akuto as 70 NE male rogue along with Tidewalker (Mike Senter). imgur DOT com/a/FcoqdzS

OMG… you just made my day…

Cort, Defender, Jett, Sylvanos… I lost touch with everyone over the years, but man, except for the abysmal ally/horde ratio on Cho’gall, I think those were some of my best/favorite times in WoW.

Haven’t heard a consensus on server myself. I’m going Mankirk unless I hear otherwise. PVP server second time around just feels like self loathing.