I’m a naxx25 geared rogue, looking for a raid team to commit myself to. I’ve been with Nilla Wafers since late MC, and have found myself on standby for many weeks now as there are too many rogues in guild, and I seem to be odd man out. I say “a team to dedicate myself to”, because I have arranged my life around that raid team. I’ve only missed 4-5 raids since vanilla, and even sit in on discord waiting to be called in on the odd week I was on the bench. I always show up, ready to go, on time, and if I am going to miss raid, I call out as far in advance as possible, and have never called out day of. I’m not ready to stop playing classic WoW.
I’m looking for Wednesday evenings, as for the time being, I’m working 2 full time jobs and have managed to work out Wednesday nights off. This will only last until May, when I go back to 1 day job, and have all evenings open again.
I have full cleared all content (minus 3 bosses in naxx40) including Ulduar25, and have Immortal/Undying titles from naxx.
Please reply or send in game mail if you’re interested in me joining your team.
Thanks everyone,
I know you said Wednesday but figured Id respond.
We are looking for a few more dps! We raid Tues/Thurs 8-11pm you can read more about us here. Mankrik - [Grievance] Recruiting DPS for their 25 man team!
[H] - Ashkandi - We are a casual raiding guild looking to fill spots for our 10m raid team as we move towards 25m.
Our raid times: Wed 7:30pm-10:00pm server. (Eastern) Optional Raids throughout the week.
Priority to a Boomie, and a Demo lock All levels / classes Welcome. Planeswalker94#8509 - Discord