Man'ari Questline *Spoilers*

I’m excited for Eredar unification. I wonder how this will play out the next few years. The Eredar Draenei need to have Krokul added.


I think a problem with Azeroth is that it is a world of characters and not people.

There is no way man’ari or darkfallen would be accepted by the people of alliance. Hell the horde would probably never take the man’ari in.

If someone like Velen, Anduin or Thrall decide something there is no real push back or consequences. The people don’t really have a say and honestly it makes warcraft feel small.

One last thing is that it’s kind of funny that Velen forced the light on the blood elves which pushed the fel away only to recruit the biggest fel users in the cosmos.


I came away with a few things.

  1. They set the stage to have a Krokul allied race. They can pull the trigger on that at any time.
  2. I guess Draenei warlocks make sense now with the right skintone.
  3. I am glad it was not universal forgiveness, just a chance at an unending Penitence for trying to burn the universe down.
  4. I also suspect this will be a prerequisite to the Draenei heritage quest. Like the forsaken had with cleaning up Loraeron city. Which I am betting will be about the reunification of the Draenei, Krokul, and Penitent Man’ari into just… the Eredar.

The entire questline read like the writers were afraid to commit to the wholesale welcome of Man’ari into the Alliance.

Velen becomes receptive to a single Man’ari’s change of heart, and suddenly the option to make a Draenei character with the appearance of a Man’ari becomes available.

I’m sure it will be expanded upon in the future, because it needs to be, but I’m just not impressed with any of this.


I do sort of feel they should get the classic DK welcome from the good people of stormwind.

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Anything to show that they’re official members of the alliance. Any sort of Welcoming would have helped with that

Kind of strange that the Vindicaar can just casually jaunt off to Argus like it’s a sunday drive. Did it not reach Argus via Illidan’s now closed portal? Did the writers forget that?

It also seems that there’s no real delineation between the Lightforged and the Draenei, they seem to be totally integrated which I like.

I liked a little update into the post LEGION state of The Burning Legion. I liked cleaving eredar in twain with my axes, like old times. I liked that an At’mal crystal showed up. Remember when those seemed important? I should mention that in the “disappointing lore things” thread.

If they expand on this it’s fine. The draenei need a new conflict with their story effectively resolved in Legion.


I suppose it helps if all of your genocides occur off-screen.


I mean I never got the idea that we couldn’t return back to Argus. Maybe the trip just took longer? This questline three that idea out the window, as I said in the OP, which I liked.

Edit: a Video


At least the game lets us kill a few more of the red berries before the Alliance makes it illegal.

Also this. And please playable for the Alliance.

It looks like if you use the Gift of the Naaru in the Man’ari skin, you get an appropriately flavored variation.



I kinda wish I was home just to do this quest. Alas, still a few more hours of work.

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Wait, what part of that picture shows Gift of the Naaru? And I wish DK’s had something like this, same for Lightforged Racials.

Are the Demon Hunters not considered demons themselves?

Instead of the blue rune that shows up over the forehead, it’s the cracked fel one. I THINK it’s the same as the Path of the Man’ari toy?

Edit: It’s the same as the Accursed Tome of the Sargerei.


There is also a final purple quest for the blacksmith on Argus. He will then offer transmogs and a Naaru hearthstone toy for Argus mats.


It was… as expected. Somewhat vague and left us with more questions than answers. Albeit a little less clunky than I anticipated. I hope to see more of it explored with the Draenei heritage quest.

What can we do to convince Hatuun? Quick, everyone start sending your finest cheese to Argus! Everyone loves cheese!

This is a REALLY cool touch that I didn’t expect!


Velen stated he didn’t forgive the renegade man’ari for what they’d done before defecting, and Hakuun didn’t forgive Velen for his abandonment. All parties resolved to do better, or were implied to, and the man’ari made it clear that he did not deserve forgiveness ‘in a thousand lifetimes’.

So yeah, there’s no expectation of actually being forgiven.


‘I was just following orders’ lmao Playable eredar are stupid. Reluctantly destroying planets for 30 thousand years is just as bad as willingly destroying planets for 30 thousand years. There is no world where man’ari are redeemable and should be part of the alliance.


They never said the Man’arai were redeemable. The thrust was more “I am an awful monster, so perhaps I can put that to use to help people instead of hurting any more innocents.”