Please can you add the Man’ari Eredar skin colors to Draenei 
Now the Draenei can be warlock, it could be great to get these customizations for the Draenei.
- Corrupted orange skin color
- Corrupted purple skin color
Don’t forget the Felborne skin (Green eyes and hand) for Nightborne and red skin (Quartermaster Dekrok/Horde Portal-Sentry) for Orcs too.
Another good addition could be the the Druid of the Flame skin for Night Elves and the necromancer/Cult of the Damned skin for Humans.
That’s cool. I still want black skin for LFD. Maybe we’ll get another customization pass shortly after 10.1.5.
Pro Mag’har Warlock people- “Just summoning demons won’t turn you green!!”
Pro-Draenei warlock people- “RED DRAENEI WEN!!???”
Just kind of an amusing observation.
I support these customizations. I like the Man’ari look way more than regular Draenei.
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Those aren’t Draenei, they are Eredar.
Completely different Draenei race.
Technically the Draenei are a completely different Eredar race.
As long as Mag’har Warlocks get black skin with green eyes, and Highmountain Warlocks get the Feltotem customizations.
That wasn’t my point I was trying to make lol
And onyx skin for LFD.
but seriously though I think a lot more classes than DH and DK should get unique race customizations. Imagine special Elune or Loa tattoos for priests, or glowing yellow eyes option for paladins.
Velen has already shown he’s a forgiving guy, and we’ve seen more than once that Manari did abandon the Legion
So there we go, some of them abandoned the Legion and want to reunite with their people since they realized how wrong they were
I’ve always wanted to see Man’ari added as a Horde race tbh, though I suppose it would work as just a skin color option since Draenei and Lightforged are getting Warlocks.
Just give the existing dark purple skin tone that draenei have to the lightforged. The high contrast asthetic is too strong to deny
I’m for more options like this but less so on the class restriction side, and w blizzards opting for more player agency I feel like if these options were implemented we would have the agency to choose them despite class.
IE: I can use golden eyes on a blood elf warlock and can head canon what reason I want or think fits the character
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Eh that’s fair, but I do like some stuff feeling more unique and identifying. DH horns wouldn’t mean much if everyone could have them, for example lol
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Fair but in some cases there is an overlap like Felblood Elf customization or something like that (which isn’t my personal request or hill I want more light customizations) but to each their own
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I wish more people understood this.
It’s why I’ll never call undead players Forsaken. The tooltip does not call them Forsaken. It calls them undead. Forsaken is a subset of undead, which is the “race”.
We should probably have always been called Eredar. Or maybe “draenei Eredar”.
It’s more a political/factional term anyways. It originally just referred to undead that were free from the Lich King’s influence, but that now technically encompasses all of them, and I don’t think the Forsaken want to lay claim to whatever mess Northrend is now after a few years of rampaging Scourge lol
By all rights Draenei should just be called Eredar now, since they’ve returned to and re-claimed Argus. Calling themselves exiles is a little nonsensical now, but I guess Blizzard would rather just keep things consistent.
I mean, there are plenty of people who have adopted names for themselves based on their history. “Irish” isn’t really a race, per se, it describes an ethnic group who lived in a country, but plenty of people in the US whose ancestors immigrated from Ireland still consider themselves to be “Irish”. Eventually it becomes more of a traditional label, rather than a strict definer of one’s current situation.
I can see Draenei who’d still want to hold on to the label because it defined the journey that they or their ancestors went on, even if that journey isn’t still strictly happening.
I didn’t know the red skin on the Horde Portal-Sentry. Horde need to get the Felborne skin for Nightborne and red skin for Orcs. Alliance need to get Man’ari Eredar eye and skin colors for Draenei.